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Events Calendar - June 11, 2004
It's Getting Hard In Here [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Fri Jun 11, 2004 @ 12:00am
Promoter:Skratch-n-Sniff, Sound Symbol & System SoundbarP:000093
Location:Front Room of System Soundbar
Description:Uk Hard House, Hard Trance, Psytrance event.
Info:More info check [ www.skratchworld.com ]
Extras:Free before Midnight/more after.

When you get to the door at System, lineup on the left hand side in the VIP line.
Tell them you are there for the Hard Beats in the front room (or Lady Bass's night) and get in Free before Midnight.
Added:Wed May 26, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Lady_Bass
Modified:Wed Jun 9, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - June 11, 2004
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Lady_Bass said @ Wed Jun 9, 2004 @ 1:11pm
this just in...Mark Grimace is unable to play for this event due to other commitments (Bird Flu) so instead it will be Hartec Vs. Drag'n'Fly!! Also [ KenFinch.ca ] just got back from his European vacation and is recovering nicely from the Red Light District so he will be playing back2back with me!! So in one night we have Twitch Satori (Twitch's birthday!) Rhythm Logic Hartec & Drag'n'Fly Lady Bass & [ KenFinch.ca ] all for free before midnight!! timeslots will be announced later this week. hope to see everyone there :) Lisa