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Events Calendar - August 12, 2009
Séance De Cinéma Psychédélique [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 9:00pm
Description:Featuring two performances (MAZES and Mirror Phases) in which two pairs of eyes/ears/auras are combined to shape a single sound-mass with an unpredictable and undeniable life of its own. These are not duets; these are seances, incantations to summon and sustain the unknowable. Bear witness to an evening of epileptic transcendence, light-and-noise blasts on the delicate tail strands of electrical feedback.

MAZES (35:00, double 16mm projection and live electronics)

After touring extensively through Europe with PEACE NOISE and debuting at festivals in Bordeaux and Madrid in their newest incarnation, light-noise duo MAZES will be embarking on their first U.S. tour. Positioned behind a fistful of audio circuits and a pair of 16mm film projectors, film artist Ben Russell sprays white light in pulsating patterns onto your optic nerves, shaping sound and eyebeam with fingers/hands that intercede between lens and screen. A photon's throw away, sound artist Joe Grimm weaves a tangle of hand-built electronics into a skin of noise, a further manifestation of light pattern and intensity as real time audio. Light is sound is light, cause and effect and chaos and hypnosis, again and again and again.

MIRROR PHASES (20:00, live electronics)

The collaboration of media artist couple Joe Grimm and Lauren Carter, MIRROR PHASES uses electrical audio feedback to explore the circular exchanges between individuals: mutual influence, interference, boundary loss, sex. Two people create sound individually and route these sounds to one another through a byzantine network of cables. Each receives audio from the other, which modulates, interrupts, and tunes current feedback patterns -- and then sends individual sonic components outward, to modulate the other’s patterns. These interpenetrating paths of sonic influence are endlessly variable. The audible result is a combination of the efforts of both. There is no way to know where the sounds of one person end and the sounds of the other begin; instead, a third presence is born, a self-sustaining emergent force that subsumes both players.
[ www.dimeshow.com ]

Opening act : Gabriel Dharmoo+Jeff Blouin, raga explosions on voice, cello and digital synthesis

En première partie:

Dans un projet co-conçu et co-réalisé avec Jean-François Blouin, Gabriel Dharmoo vous propose sa vision de l'Inde, pays où il étudie la musique classique pour 6 mois en 2008.

Les ragas de la musique carnatique de l'Inde du sud seront exposés puis explosés à la voix et au violoncelle, interagissant avec une trame électroacoustique.

[ www.gabrieldharmoo.org ]
Added:Mon Aug 3, 2009 @ 7:41pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - August 12, 2009
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