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Events Calendar - July 25, 2009
07.25 (Toronto) Platform Hosts Jeff Mills !!!!! (Axis Rec., Chicago) @ Time Fest [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Sat Jul 25, 2009 @ 10:00pm
Description:PLATFORM Hosts the Techno room.

It gives us great pleasure to announce that the Techno room of this years Time Festival will be
headlined by one the Biggest names in Techno and electronic music.

The Wizard. The Legend.The Pioneer.

[size=20pt]JEFF MILLS[/size]
(axis records/chicago)

5 Long year we have waited for the return of this man. The master
of all things techno. Performing a very rare dj Set.

Alongside Locals:

Jamie Kidd (Platform/Xanuradio/Metalogic)
Kenny Glasgpw vs. Nitin (No.19/Afe Society)
Terence Kissner (Platform/Afe Society)
Jeff Button
Brandon Sek
Evan G.

Room open: 9pm-6am
Time Festival @ Sound Academy

Many more names on the lineup, see flyer
Added:Mon Jul 13, 2009 @ 2:06pm by » jeremyk
Events Calendar - July 25, 2009
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