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Events Calendar - June 12, 2009
Master Of Swords: -The Ultimate Pirates Vs Ninjas Dance-Off- [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Jun 12, 2009 @ 8:00pm till Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 2:00am
Promoter:MushY Tea
Location:330 Kent St.
Description:Stealth or booty?
Lone ranger or steady crew?
Are you Ninja or Pirate?

Come choose your alliance at...

-----------MASTER OF SWORDS:-------------
-The Ultimate Pirates VS Ninjas Dance-Off-

It's time to determine the CHAMPION! Dress as your favorite and battle it off on the dance floor. Will keep track and Friday, JUNE 12th, the debate will be finally over, so...

Gather yer peg legs 'n' shirkens for:

DAVE OF THE RAVE - Toronto - Sappy Breaks
~ Nocturnal Commissions

~ Nocturnal Commissions

MATRICKS - Montreal - Happy Yarrcore
~ Project Mayhem

CHUCKS vs MIX MASTER BATES - Rochester, New York
- Athems/Hard Kunfu Stuff

DJ WRAITH vs TOSHIRO - Ottawa - Hard Trance
~ Deep Frequency

DJ³ - Ottawa - Euro

This will be a PLURstatic Multi-BIRTHDAY BASH for; Mushy, Haru, Toshiro, DJ³
- Fun Stuff! -

- Kandi-Making Booth, and a kandi contest WIN a prize package!

- Costume Contest, for Best Pirate, and Best Ninja! !!! More PRIZES !!!

- Amazing deco!

- Billboard to vote on which is better, pirates or ninjas!

- Photographer!

- Crazy cool beats!

!!! Only you can decide !!!
Room 1:
CHUCKS (USA, New York, Rochester)
Dave Of The Rave (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
GEORGE WHO SPINS RECORDS (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) (Happy Hardcore)
MAtRiCks (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) (Happy Hardcore) - Project Mayhem
MIX MASTER BATES (USA, New York, Rochester)
djwraith (Hard Trance) - www.myspace.com
DJ³ (Euro Club Mix)
Toshiro (Hard Trance)
Tickets:10.00 - Advance price
15.00 - At the door
Extras:PLURR in full effect!
16+ event
19+ w/ drinking area
10$ advance price
15$ at door
Available @ NormL (184 Rideau St.) -or- The Comic Book Shoppe (228 Bank St.)
Info/PayPal: mushyteaprodtuction@gmail.com
Added:Mon May 4, 2009 @ 11:02pm by » MAtRiCks
Modified:Fri May 15, 2009 @ 9:54pm by » ravedave
Events Calendar - June 12, 2009
Member Comments
» Papine said @ Fri Jun 12, 2009 @ 1:20pm
» Rebella said @ Wed Jun 10, 2009 @ 11:20pm
» MAtRiCks said @ Tue May 5, 2009 @ 5:16pm