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Events Calendar - April 19, 2009
Woody Guthrie Tribute Show [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sun Apr 19, 2009 @ 8:00pm
Description:5$, all proceeds will be donated to the Mile End Mission

with Performances By; Sami Antaki, Philémon Chante, John Kerkhoven, Patrick Hutchinson, Allan Lento, No Family, some members of Lake of Stew, Jon Noel, JW Stuart, and Vincent Tinguely & time permitting open mic

Hard times call for hard heartfelt songs – and no one did that better than Woody Guthrie. Come join us for an evening rousing ballads that celebrate the struggle for freedom, dignity, and stickin’ it to the man.
Added:Wed Apr 22, 2009 @ 6:11pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - April 19, 2009
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