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Events Calendar - May 15, 2004
Montreal's Fifth Annual Anarchist Bookfair [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat May 15, 2004 @ 12:00am
Location:2515, rue Delisle near Metro Lionel Groulx
Description:The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair is the largest anarchist cultural gathering in northeastern North America, and an important exchange of anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas.

The Bookfair is for anarchist and non-anarchists alike, in English, French and Spanish, with over 50 booksellers and groups from all over North America and beyond.

Anarchist Bookfair events include workshops, readings, films, presentations, walking tours and much more. Once again, the Anarchist Bookfair will be followed -- on Sunday, May 16 -- by a full day dedicated to anarchist-themed workshops and presentations. As in the past, a "Festival of Anarchy" will take place during the weeks preceeding the Bookfair, with diverse events organized by anarchists and anti-authoritarian groups.

Info:6:30: THEY ARE RICH BECAUSE WE ARE POOR! an anarchist march on Westmount
Added:Thu Apr 29, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Gone
Events Calendar - May 15, 2004
4 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» cloak
» Kasper
» Nuclear
» PaT_
Member Comments
» cloak said @ Thu May 6, 2004 @ 2:02pm
i went on 1st of may to realize it'd be 15 days later.