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Events Calendar - May 9, 2004
Festival of Anarchy : Film Showing [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sun May 9, 2004 @ 12:00am
Description:* Afro-Punk: The Rock&Roll Nigger Experience
* Forgotten Summer: Race Riots in 1919

AFRO-PUNK: the "rock n roll nigger" experience, a 66-minute documentary, explores race identity within the punk scene. More than your everyday, Behind the Music or typical "black history month" documentary this film tackles the hard questions, such as issues of loneliness, exile, inter-racial dating and black power. The film follows the lives of four people who have dedicated themselves to the punk rock lifestyle.Ê They find themselves in situations that could only happen to some one who had to experience the duality of a person of color in a mostly white community. [ www.afropunk.com ]

Directed and produced by local filmmaker, Julian Berrian, "The Forgotten Summer" chronicles the African American struggle for equality and self-preservation during the ultra-violent summer of 1919.The Red Summer, as it was touted by former NAACP secretary, James Weldon Johnson, gave way to over 24 deadly race riots on U.S. soil, but has since been buried in the annals of "selectively forgotten" American history. Julian Berrian's "The Forgotten Summer" works toward publicizing a chapter of the African American experience which had much to bear on the United States' racial divide.

Organised by Anarchist People of Colour crew of Montreal
[ www.illegalvoices.org ]
Added:Thu Apr 29, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Gone
Modified:Fri May 7, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - May 9, 2004
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