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Events Calendar - March 10, 2009
"Air" Cd Launch - Altar Records [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Tue Mar 10, 2009 @ 9:30pm till Wed Mar 11, 2009 @ 2:00am
Promoter:Altar Records - Lilah
Description:03-10-2009 21:30 at "L’Escalier"
552 St Catherine Est (une rue vers l’est de la rue Berri), Montreal, Quebec

Lilah opens the night singing and playing all original songs on nylon strings, which leads into an open jam. There will be extra (classical) guitars and dumbeks. You’re welcome to bring your own acoustic instruments as well!

Lilah's music is a mix between a lot of styles. It is full of feeling and, at this time, mostly dark. She is influenced classical, celtic, folk, metal, ambient, mod, classic rock, and "other".

DJ Zen (Producer Astral Waves) will take us farther into the night with a deep, moving psychedelic ambient.

His new "Air" compilation CD's will be avalable for sale.

L’Escalier is a very comfortable, inviting place with home made food and lots of room for dancing and flouncing around with instruments.


Venez au lancement officiel de la compilation "Air" le Mardi 10 Mars a l'Escalier a 9h30.

Performance live de Lilah a la guitare/voix présentant ses nouvelles compositions suivi du open-jam ou tout le monde peut apporter ses instruments puis Dj Zen finira la nuit avec de l'ambient bien psy.

CD de "Air" en vente sur place, bouffe, boissons.

Amenez vos amis ;)
Room 1:
09:30 blah
12:00 Dj Zen (Canada, Quebec, Inverness) (Ambient Dub) - www.altar-records.com - Altar Records

Entertainers: Open Jam
Extras:[ www.altar-records.com ]

[ www.myspace.com ] -Astral Waves

[ www.myspace.com ] -Lilah
Added:Fri Feb 27, 2009 @ 4:14pm by » djzen
Modified:Sat Mar 7, 2009 @ 7:07pm by » blah
Events Calendar - March 10, 2009
5 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
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» djzen
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