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Events Calendar - February 7, 2009
Tekmission: Bijoux, Sarcastic, Kidstatik, Yannick Dee [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Feb 7, 2009 @ 9:00pm
Description:Pearl's Tekmission techno weekly welcomes Level 4 productions' original members Kidstatik and Sarcastic locked in a 94style tag team duel. no face tek for hedz

special guest Bijoux, native to the south of france, continues to reap destruction on montreal soundsystems during her brief stay here. level 4's newest inductee will headline this event, get on the twisted techno train.

Pearl's tekmission weekly every saturday straight up tek WHAT? techno vibes. resident and host Yannick Dee represents the tekmission crew on the ones-and-twos.

pearl. tekmission. techno on the real. the mission. techno 4 on the 4 beats tek tekhaus minimal schranz techno hardtek
this night is the place to be
Room 1:
Bijoux (France, Hérault)
Miss Bijoux (France, Paris)
SARCASTIC - www.djsarcastic.bandcamp.com - Level 4, Icewax, Red Channel+
Extras:TIMESLOTS 2nite

10-1130 yannick dee
1130-2 kidstatik & sarcastic
2-3 bijoux

for guestlist dont hesitate to mssg : fancyfhreek@gmail.com

see u there!
Added:Thu Jan 29, 2009 @ 2:33pm by » Czarkastik
Modified:Sat Feb 7, 2009 @ 3:01pm by » Czarkastik
Events Calendar - February 7, 2009
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