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Events Calendar - March 24, 2004
Hump [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Wed Mar 24, 2004 @ 1:00am
The Group
Description:HUMP is not only synonymous with the middle day of the work week, but it also has a dancing reference as well as a grinding, sexual overtone. Stereobar has the perfect ambiance, is quite intimate, with Stereo known world-wide as one of the top music venues around. The headliner will be DeepJ Max. He is the perfect choice since he loves to spin pure house, and he’s known to delve into the darker tribal, sexual rhythms. Perfect for HUMP!
Added:Wed Mar 10, 2004 @ 12:00am by » DeepJ_Max
Modified:Thu Mar 25, 2004 @ 1:00am
Events Calendar - March 24, 2004
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Member Comments
» Nuclear said @ Thu Mar 25, 2004 @ 5:43am
I wnated to go but all my friends were studying for exams... I'll hopefully go next week!