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Events Calendar - November 28, 2008
Deep Frequency Fridays: : Quebec Attak !! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Nov 28, 2008 @ 9:00pm
Description:After the tremendous success of our Halloween party, we give you the next installment of DFF!! :D

Deep Frequency Fridays: Quebec Invasion!!

Date: Nov. 28th, 2008


Arsenick - Rock Solid [ .com ] Hard Bitches - Hardstyle

Maximus J - Drunken Bastardz/Rock Solid [ .com ] - Hardstyle/Hard Trance
Tamerax - Synergy/Project Mayhem/Euphoria - Hard Trance/Hardstyle

Supaman - DFF/Leeroy - Hardstyle

Klabel - 2007 DFF DJ Comp Winner - Hardstyle

Bionic Boyz - Leeroy Prod. - Hardstyle

With live art by Thabto + Guests

Cafe Eri - 953 Somerset West
Doors open at 10:00 PM
$5.00 Before 11
$7.00 After 11
19+ w/ID

CD Giveaways/Art Show/Visuals/Good Friends/Fun!!

Please note that this is the OFFICIAL EUPHORIA PRE-PARTY!! Come meet up with fellow ravers and get a sneak peak of what Tamerax has in store!!

Looks like an awesome weekend!!!
Room 1:
Arsenick (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) -
Maximus J (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) -
Added:Wed Oct 22, 2008 @ 2:53pm by » Rebella
Modified:Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 2:10am by » Rebella
Events Calendar - November 28, 2008
4 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Chii
» Rebella
Contributing Members: » Rebella (4)
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