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Events Calendar - March 14, 2009
Microtek V.7 - Special Attitude Recordings [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Mar 14, 2009 @ 10:00pm till Sun Mar 15, 2009 @ 3:00am
Description:Noerg productions is proud to present, in association with Attitude Recordings, Microtek v.7 Special edition Attitude Recordings.

After two succesful years, techno lovers are asking for more. We'll give 'em some on saturday march 14th 2009, marking the return of the Microtek series into Montreal nightlife. This special edition will emphasize on the effort of Attitude Recordings, a Montreal based label since 2007.

Attitude Recordings, is backed by a collective of accomplished DJ's and producers dedicated to providing the world with quality music. Starting fresh in late 2007 with a roster of some of Canada's more notable artists, Attitude has already gained a foothold in the online community. Producer / DJ / Musician trio FM Radio Gods along with Tapwatr (DJ Jeremy R) are the creative driving force behind the label's direction. From beat-driven monster tracks to snippets of moody soundscapes, the sound premise is wide but the goal is simple; to produce music that is challenging and inspiring. Working with artists who don't shy away from audio exploration, the label is sure to gain worldwide recognition as a next-generation musical stronghold. For more information check : [ www.attituderecordings.com ]

The night will take place in a brand new venue in the center of the Quartier des Spectacles at the third floor of the new Underworld store, locate at 251 Ste-Catherine east

The night will start with Noerg's new recrue, Lucie Lebel, followed by dj Camo, the man behind the In Progress series. Then, the Montrealer by adoption Jeremy Reid, one of the leaders of Attitude Recording, will present for the first time in Montreal his new project in a live perfomance, Tapwatr. Olivier Saint-Germain, major dj of the Noerg's crew and member of Attitude, will close the night.

The Microtek series is a platform for the art of vjing. The vj's Frigo, Mikiram and Pink Rubber Lady will perform back to back.

[ www.noerg.com ]
[ www.attituderecordings.com ]
[ www.noctambules.tv ]
Room 1:
22:00 frigo - www.frigo.ca
22:00 Lucie Lebel
23:00 Camo - www.attituderecordings.com - Attitude recordings
24:30 Mikiram - www.noerg.com
24:30 Tapwatr
01:30 Pink Rubber Lady
01:30 Olivier Saint-Germain aKa OSG - www.myspace.com - Noerg
Tickets:15.00 - At the door only
Extras:Special promotion

Noerg productions and Attitude recordings are offering you a welcome drink!

Simply send your name and email adress at: info@noerg.com.

You will receive a free drink at the Microtek v.7 event and will be on our maiing list to get the latest release information and news from Attitude recordings and Noerg productions.
Added:Sun Oct 19, 2008 @ 2:38am by » Noerg
Modified:Sun Mar 8, 2009 @ 2:36pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - March 14, 2009
10 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» BenRama
» clown
» frigo
» hazel
» Hidra
» Lanie
» Noerg
Member Comments
» Lanie said @ Sun Dec 7, 2008 @ 7:03pm
ENFIN! Un autre party Noerg! yay!
» clown said @ Mon Nov 3, 2008 @ 12:41pm
go NoERG go !!