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Events Calendar - October 31, 2008
Dwn Halloween Mtl Zombies Walk [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Oct 31, 2008 @ 5:00pm
Description:Dark Wave Nights First Halloween Zombies Walk!!

Friday October 31

come search for brains with us on this unique event.
visit the official website for the walk at:
[ ]

Route for the zombies walk (different meeting points so you can catch the zombies at the time that fit you the best):
1.-Zombies coming to life // 5:00 PM
make up and more for zombies
(confirmation needed for the ones interested into it, email:, a small fee will be asked for it, to cover make up materials)

Lafontaine Parc // Sherbrooke Metro, corner cherrier and Amherst

Zombies Walk Start // 6:00 PM

2.-Square Saint-Louis Zombies Attack // 6:15 PM
Sherbrooke Metro, St-Denis and Saint-Louis Corner

3.-Quartier Latin Invasion // 6:45 PM
Berri-Uquam Metro, Maisonneuve corner St-Denis

4.-Zombies on the Main // 7:05 PM
St-Laurent Metro, St-Catherines corner St-Laurent

5.-Zombies in the Underground // 7:20 PM
Place des Arts Metro, Saint-Catherine on the Place des Arts Plaza

6.-Little Trouble in China Town // 7:50 PM
Place D'armes Metro, St-Urbain and de la gauchetiere corner

7.- zombies in the old montreal !! // 8:20 PM
Champ-de-Mars Metro, Jacque-Cartier Plaza corner Notre-Dame

8.-Zombies Walk After Party // 10:00 PM
Club Saphir.3699 St-Laurent Second Floor // 18+
6$ for zombies dressed peoples
Prizes for best zombies!!!
Shows, Djs and more!!!
More info coming soon...

Zombies Walk Policies/How to behave facts coming soon

for more visit:
[ ]

Full size map and meet up points direction via:
[ ]

Come have fun with us.... and search for the brains!!!


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Marche de zombies Dark Wave Nights d'halloween

Vendredi 31 Octobre

Venez courir avec nous les cervaux a cette première marche de zombies DWN.
visitez le site officiel de la marche au:
[ ]

Route pour la marche de zombies (les différents points de rencontre sont là pour vour permettre de vous joindre a la marche à l'heure qui vous arrange le plus):

1.-L'école des zombies // 5:00 PM
maquillage et plus pour les zombies en herbe qui on besoin d'aide
(une reservation via ce email:, est nécessaore, un petit montant sera demandé pour couvrir les frais du materiel de maquillage)

Parc Lafontaine // Metro Sherbrooke Metro, coin cherrier et Amherst

le vrai debut de la Zombies Walk // 6:00 PM

2.-Square Saint-Louis Zombies Attack // 6:15 PM
Metro Sherbrooke Metro, St-Denis et Saint-Louis dans le parc

3.-Quartier Latin Invasion // 6:45 PM
Metro Berri-Uquam, St-Denis coin Maisonneuve

4.-Zombies su la Main // 7:05 PM
Metro St-Laurent, St-Catherines coin St-Laurent

5.-Zombies dans les souterrains // 7:20 PM
Metro Place des Arts, Saint-Catherine sur la plaza de la Place des Arts

6.-Little Trouble in China Town // 7:50 PM
Metro Place D'armes, St-Urbain coin de la gauchetiere

7.- zombies dans le Vieux-Montreal !! // 8:20 PM
Metro Champ-de-Mars Metro, Place Jacque-Cartierau coin de Notre-Dame

8.-Zombies Walk After Pary // 10:00 PM
Club Saphir.3699 St-Laurent 2e étage // 18+
6$ pour les Zombies
Prix pour les meilleurs Zombies!!!
Spectacles, Djs et plus!!!
plus d'informations sous peu...

Charte de la Zombies Walk et directives de bon respect a venir sous peu.

Pour plus d'information visitez:
[ ]

Pour donwloader la carte pleine grandeur:
[ ]

Added:Sat Aug 23, 2008 @ 11:57am by » ka0tik
Modified:Wed Oct 29, 2008 @ 1:59pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - October 31, 2008
5 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» rangi said @ Sat Nov 1, 2008 @ 2:52pm
Good work everyone! Anyone know where the photos will be posted?
» Scythe said @ Sat Nov 1, 2008 @ 1:10pm
The walk was fucking aweseom!!!! ^^ I scared the shit out of so many little chinese kids, lol
» rodroid said @ Tue Oct 28, 2008 @ 5:21pm
yeah but...whats the line-up music-wise? whos mixin what?
» Scythe said @ Thu Oct 9, 2008 @ 12:18am
Apparently my road trip to Quebec City was cancelled for Halloween, guess I'll just go walk around Montreal searching for brains instead.
» ka0tik said @ Thu Sep 4, 2008 @ 11:33pm
ahum official? since when a none proffesional guy doing a zombie walk on facebook is the only allowed walk in mtl? I did contact him (2 month ago) and tell him idea of a route in downtown vs is stupid cote des neige one.. he changed is route with my idea.. but decided to keep it all for him. This zombies walk was planned for a long time by saphir team and I ans we just wanted to have fun. If you want to go on the walk on the 26.. good for you, never said you could not :)
» DCRn said @ Tue Sep 2, 2008 @ 9:10pm
I find it weird that you're doing a zombie walk one week after the official one... well, if they stick to the 26th.
» ka0tik said @ Sun Aug 24, 2008 @ 11:25am