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Events Calendar - August 22, 2008
Taylormade: Dj Melo Aka Derek Mellow [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Aug 22, 2008 @ 10:00pm
Description:So, after many sweet nights of Don't Fake The Breaks on Fridays at Vinyl, it's moving quietly into cold storage...

This Friday TAYLORMADE hits your grill.

TaylorMade is a simple formula.

DJs that I like and respect, throwing down with me, Rhys Taylor, every Friday.

FREE and VERY cheap liquor, no one style of music; PARTY music, played right.

I like and respect lots of your favorite DJs, so you know I'm planning some sick business.

My first guest is a familiar face on the Plateau and well known to people who'd trip out to his afterhours sets at Circus.

My man, DEREK MELLOW aka DJ Melo

He plays house, classics,, whatever you need,..BASS,,tech electro, booty, HIP HOP !!!l

I expect we're gonna rumble in the jungle.

Here's your formula for destruction:

2 Rum&Cokes for $6
2 Jager shots $6
4 Jager Shots $10
FREE Vodka @ 10 !!!
FREE BBQ @ 11 !!!

All my favorite things.
See you there!!

Ultra-Olympic Bonus: We're setting up a TV in the back so I can watch Argentina play Nigeria for the Gold Medal in Soccer.

Soccer game is NOT an excuse to NOT come party.
Added:Fri Aug 22, 2008 @ 5:11pm by » rotoloco
Events Calendar - August 22, 2008
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