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Events Calendar - October 31, 2003
Death Becomes Me [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
Time:Fri Oct 31, 2003 @ 1:00am
Promoter:Symptom Technologies
Description:4 rooms!
This is going to be the absolutely craziest show to date!

- Expect the most powerful and well tuned sound-system(s) ever at a Symptom show.
- Expect the maddest black light and lazer show brought to you with swirling disco-ball fractals.
- Expect multiple digital projections on various surfaces including screens, hanging rotating objects, brick walls, curtains and giant balloons!
- Alcohol for those 18+ with ID!
- Prize for best costume!
Room 1:
Fanny (Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg)
Fishead (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) (Breakcore) - www.djfishead.com
Jeff Galaxy (Canada, Saskatchewan, Regina)
Matthew Dear (USA, Alabama, Detroit)
Mazi (USA, Illinois, Chicago)
Venetian Snares (Canada, Quebec, Montreal)
Jay Tripwire
Info:Ticket holders can present their ticket at Ragpickers to get a discount on costume rental or purchase (selected items).

Extras:Tickets Available at:
- Kustom Kulture, D-470 River Ave, 453-7473
- Frenzee, Polo Park Mall, 774-2715
- The Crypt, A-121 Osborne St., 453-1132
- Urban Bakery, 398 Portage Ave, 947-2664
- Nyce Records, 99 Osborne St., 478-0548

$20 - 1st 50 advance.
$25 - next 450 advance
$30 - after that and at the door ( if available )
Out of Town attendees can purchase tickets for $25 with ID
Added:Fri Oct 31, 2003 @ 1:00am by » fishead
Events Calendar - October 31, 2003
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» fishead
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