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Events Calendar - June 21, 2008
*SOLSTICE*Ruigoord, Amsterdam [Netherlands] [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Netherlands, Noord-Holland
Time:Sat Jun 21, 2008 @ 9:00pm till Mon Jun 23, 2008 @ 9:00pm
Description:Live SQUID INC :: Scorb & Deviant Species:: (Ambivalent/UK) [click here] and [click here] and [click here]
SUBCONSCIOUSMIND (Fiin Music/SWI) [click here]
SONIC SPECIES (Fromem Ory/Liquid & G-nome/Little Green Planet, UK) [click here]
MOONSTONED (MoonStoned/ISR) [click here]
SCORB (Ambivalent/UK) [click here]
DJs Nick aka Electronick (Shivlink Records, IND) [click here]
Morg (Flexible/SWE) [click here]
G-nome (Little Green Planet, UK)
Ipcress (Omniscience/UK) [click here] and [click here] [click here]
Expanding Conscience (CAN/ARG) [click here] [click here] [click here]
Dsompa (Magic Moments/GER)
K-Chill vs Electrocute (Trance Orient Express/DK)
Zen (Psykick Productions/NL) [click here]
Dr Vinnie (9-LOH/NL)
Bally (Pelgrim Dance Project/NL)
Chill a whole church fulla chill

MOONSTONED (MoonStoned/ISR) [click here]
WARP TECHNIQUE (Dubmission, UK/Ger)
COSMIC SPRING ( Psychoactive Dubtrance - Live Band/NL) [click here]
The Former Fridays (Ruigoord/MIX)

DJ`s :
Dave Arc-I (Psystream, Ozora Fest/UK) [click here]
Steve Kundalini (Kundalini Records/UK)
Dbatistatos (Cosmic Leaf Records/GRE)
PsyOnEar (Trance Orient Express/ITA)
Ipcress (Omniscience, UK)
Aquarius&Luna (Manacorp/GER)
White Monkey (Ruigoord/NL)
K-Chill vs Electrocute (Trance Orient Express/DK)
Snapinho & Supergroover (Bleep Bizarre/NL)
PolyEsta (Cosmic Combination/NL)

and on Sunday 16:30 The Psychedelic Woord in Ruigoord

Sunday 16:30 Psychedelic Woord in Ruigoord
Deco Psychedelic Cinema Project UK
Dbatistatos (Cosmic Leaf Records/GRE)
Airplain Visuals NL
Robbie [ ]
Cosmic Spring NL
AntiShanti NL
Location Ruigoords Psychedelix Temple and the surrounding field and barn
Google Map [click here]
Entry fee 25,-eu at the entrance
20,-eu presale through the website!!!
Organizer Trance Orient Express

Deco Airplain Visuals NL
Room 1:
ExPaNdinG CoNsCiouSneSs - www.myspace.com - Oui-R1- Spiritual Healing-Cosmix

Entertainers: SpiR@L
Extras:Location Ruigoords Psychedelix Temple and the surrounding field and barn
Entry fee tba
Organizer Trance Orient Express
Infos Ruigoords Psychedelix Temple and the surrounding field and barn are host to international psychedelix lovers...
performers such as poets,dancers,painters,musicians,seekers and sharers,what have you. find refuge, and come togather....
Added:Tue Apr 22, 2008 @ 12:34pm by » Spiral
Modified:Thu Jun 19, 2008 @ 1:23pm by » Spiral
Events Calendar - June 21, 2008
2 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Decode
» Spiral
Member Comments
» Spiral said @ Thu Jun 19, 2008 @ 1:24pm
a gozar !