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Events Calendar - March 28, 2008
Meltdown: Shadow FX [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Fri Mar 28, 2008 @ 9:00pm
Description:Shakti Collective invites you to greet the spring with another heartwarming event.

Presenting a unique, Canadian debut performance of

SHADOW FX (Zenon Records, Australia) - Live Set!

Shadow Fx was created in 2002 by 26 year old James Hayes from Melbourne, Australia. James started his musical career studying and playing drums and guitar in high school. Then at the age of seventeen he discovered psytrance in and around the famous trance hotspot of Byron Bay. After listening to and Dj’ing the music for several years, he decided to move to Melbourne and make a serious effort to put his own mark on the scene. He bought a computer and started to produce full time, leading him to the smooth and refined sound for which he is known today. In recent years he has played at many parties all over Australia including Rainbow Serpent, Earthdance and Audiogasm. He has also released compilation tracks on ZMA and Zenon, plus on Cosmic Conspiracy records with his brother Tetrameth. Shadow Fx has created a smooth blend of deep, funky, morning progressive that is distinctively shaped from the Zenon sound. In 2007 he released his debut album Direct Influence on Zenon.

DARVIN KNORR (Zenon Records, Area 709, Calgary) - DJ Set!

From his university days of ice-climbing, kayaking and mountain bike racing to his more recent involvement in the Canadian electronica community as a dancer, promoter, dj and budding producer DJ Nokturnal (Darvin Knorr) has never been one to do something half-way. Ten years of performing have recently led him to commit his Nokturnal incarnation to the Zenon sound: dark, intelligent and most definitely nothing but psytrance. Darvin is honored to represent a label which is home to so many incredible artists and he is eager to showcase the Zenon sound at gatherings around the world.


Shankar vs. Quivering Virgin (debut back-to-back dj set!)
Plan B
Blake Dailey


Quietly Quivering


Waking Dream (Montreal)
Vj Guy

Friday, March 28th - 10pm-6am
Reverb Night Club
651 Queen Street West

$20 in advance - at Shanti Baba (546 Queen St West)
more @ the door


[ www.shakticollective.com ]
SHAKTI COLLECTIVE - [ www.shakticollective.com ]

TRIBAL VISION RECORDS - [ www.tribalvision.cz ]
Added:Mon Mar 31, 2008 @ 5:27pm by » Pixie-Dust
Modified:Tue Apr 1, 2008 @ 12:25am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - March 28, 2008
2 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Contributing Members: » Pixie-Dust (13)
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