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Events Calendar - February 16, 2008
Socially Unacceptable [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 9:00pm
Description:No Cover.
Drink Specials.

"NoT a barrage of crowd-pleasing favourites; neither a cerebral organization of obscurities. instead, a small catalogue of pleasing eccentricities, a monstrous menagerie of sonic fancies. certainly not a grand statement of any kind, we find an introduction to some less well known contemporaries. the small hope to create some mischevious detours and derailments in your musical tastes; there's a topsy-turvy nature to it, with plenty of unfinished stories, blind alleys, false walls and trap doors - a musical amusement ride of doubtful security with some strange and novel attractions; and though the intention is never willful eclecticism - this is above all a compilation of joyful, unresolved and abiding confusion."

Bring your friends, their friends, ravers, manequins, punch drunk lovers and the above all for a nuit fantastique of debauchery.

Extras:1445 Bishop
Added:Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 7:01pm by » Souldah
Events Calendar - February 16, 2008
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» Souldah
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