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Events Calendar - February 9, 2008
Fractal Forest 2: Shane Gobi [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 9:00pm
Description:Shakti Collective welcomes a legendary DJ and says farewell to a friend

Fractal 2 Forest

Shane Gobi
(Alchemy Records, South Africa/UK) - 3h DJ Set

Shane Gobi is Alchemy Records founder and Label Manager. Originallyfrom South Africa, but now based in London, Shane has been an active DJsince 1997. He was signed as a label DJ to Sphere Records in 2000, andwent on to start Alchemy Records a year later. Shane has become one ofthe leading DJs in the psy-trance scene and has earned himself a solidreputation with a loyal following for his unique morning sets and histechnical, energetic DJ style. He has played outdoor parties and clubevents in the UK, Israel, South Africa, Portugal, Austria, Brazil,Mexico, Switzerland, France, Spain, Belgium, Macadonia, Prague, Hollandand Japan, to name just a few. Canadians will remember him for hiskiller Saturday morning set at Eclipse 2006. At the end of 2003, Shanewas voted by the worldwide trance dancefloors on Isratrance forum as DJof the year 2003. DJ and Producer, Shane has collaborated with labelfriends Dark Soho on the Groundzero project and is also one half ofWhiplash with Rinkadink. Under the 2 projects Shane has released 6tracks under various labels, Alchemy Records, Ambivelant Records andNano Records.

(Quick, Montreal) - LIVE

Gabriel Petrin has been thinking music since out of the womb.Producing since 1999, releasing tracks formerly under the moniker Hidraand delving into hard techno with pounding repetitive beats. He'splayed along side legendary acts such as Preach, Vitalic and JoeyBeltram. After a short hiatus, he is returning with new live material.Making his Toronto debut, he'll shake the dance floor up.

(Shakti Collective, Toronto)- farewell DJ Set

Departing for Taiwan for the year, Alex is saying a temporarygoodbye to his Shakti family and the Canadian psy crew. He'll lay downsome mean progressive beats so that the partiers won't easily forgethim.

Plan B
(Shakti Collective, Pixie Dust, Toronto)

(Shakti Collective, Tribal Vision Records, Toronto)

Chillin Beats

Davey Boom (Kismet, Toronto)
Pondscum b
Mandelbrot (BLA, Toronto)
Quietly Quivering (Kismet, Toronto)


Julien Seyer (Pixie Dust, Montreal)
Waking Dream (Montreal)
Vj Guy

Saturday, February 9th, 9pm-6am
Reverb Night Club
651 Queen Street West

$20 Before 11PM
$25 After 11P


[ www.shakticollective.com ]
Room 1:
Shane Gobi (United Kingdom, London, London)
Added:Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 12:08am by » Pixie-Dust
Modified:Thu Mar 20, 2008 @ 12:21am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - February 9, 2008
2 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Ivygrrl
Contributing Members: » Pixie-Dust (19)
Member Comments
» AYkiN0XiA said @ Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 7:29pm
there already was one on the calendar... :p