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Events Calendar - February 8, 2008
Chemikal Mystery: Shane Gobi [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Feb 8, 2008 @ 9:00pm
Filthy Crew
Collectif Artistique
Le terme chimie nous vient du mot alchimie. L'alchimie est apparue avant la chimie et ce terme est directement tiré de l'arabe; al kemi. Au moins deux étymologies existent pour le terme arabe l'une égyptienne et l'autre grecque.

Selon l'hypothèse égyptienne, kemi vient du copte chame « noire » emprunté à l'égyptien ancien kemi (la magie noire et par extension, l'Egypte elle-même).
Selon l'hypothèse de l'origine grecque, kemi vient de, khumeia, « mélange de liquides », khumos, « suc, jus »).
Au cours des siècles, l'alchimie s'est dévelopée grâce à des découvertes importantes pour ensuite donner naissance à la chimie. Cependant, la chimie a connu de tel progrès au point de devenir une science exacte alors que subsistaient des alchimistes poursuivant la quête de la pierre philosophale faisant de l'alchimie une science ésotérique.

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The word chemistry comes from the earlier study of alchemy, which is basically the quest to make gold from earthen starting materials. As to the origin of the word "alchemy" the question is a debatable one; it certainly can be traced back to the Greeks, and some, following E. Wallis Budge, have also asserted Egyptian origins. Alchemy, generally, derives from the old French alkemie from the Arabic al-kimia - "the art of transformation". The Arabs borrowed the word "kimia" from the Greeks when they conquered Alexandria in the year 642 AD.

A connection has been made between alchemy and Egypt. One source in particular gives further background into the probable founding of the name itself in the following passage: "...The concept is a very ancient one, which seems to answer to deep human motivations. It came to Medieval Europe by way of Egypt. When they invaded Egypt, which they called Khem, in the seventh century, the followers of the moon god discovered that the Egyptians were masters of the art of working in gold. They called gold-working al-kimiya - 'the art of the land of Khem' - and so, according to one account, the word 'alchemy' was born

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DR. SHANE GOBI (Alchemy Rec. / South Africa)
"Was One Of The Best And Most Apreciated International Dj At Eclipse Summer Festival 2006"

Dj Shane Gobi is Alchemy Records founder and Label Manager. Originally from South Africa, but now based in London, Shane has been an active DJ since 1997. He was signed as a label DJ to Sphere Records in 2000, and went on to start Alchemy Records a year later.

Shane has become one of the leading DJs in the psy-trance scene and has earned himself a solid reputation with a loyal following for his unique morning sets and his technical, energetic DJ style. He has played outdoor parties and club events in the UK, Israel, South Africa, Portugal, Austria, Brazil, Mexico, Switzerland, France, Spain, Belgium, Macadonia, Prague, Holland and Japan, to name just a few.

At the end of 2003, Shane was voted by the worldwide trance dancefloors on Isratrance forum as DJ of the year 2003. DJ and Producer, Shane has collaborated with label friends Dark Soho on the Groundzero project and is also one half of Whiplash with Rinkadink. Under the 2 projects Shane has released 6 tracks under various labels, Alchemy Records, Ambivelant Records and Nano Records.

***Also With Our Local Scientific Scene***

From Tech Safari, For The 1st Time In Tag Team:
Dr. Rikam Vs Dr. Yann

With Her Electro Cream Selection:
Miss Dr. Jezabel

Psycho-Laboration, Kemical Team
Dr. AnimA & Dr. NtShanti

Therapeutical Music, From Quebec City
Dr. Shango

+++ Special Artistic Performance
Room 1:
Shane Gobi (South Africa, Northern Cape)
Shane Gobi (United Kingdom, London, London)
Shango (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - www.neurovortex.com - NvX
AnimA - www.djschoolmontreal.ca - Oui-R1, FilthyCrew
DJ Rikam - www.myspace - Neurobiotic records/Tech Safari
Jezabel - Filthy Crew
VJ Create Change - www.create-change.org
Yann - www.techsafari.ca - Tech Safari, Ultra Groove Rec.
Room 2:
Guapo - www.myspace.com - Finite Records
Louis Vëe

Deco Artists: Hifx Set Up
Deco Artists: Nameless Mystics
Kiosks: Zenergica Massage
Tickets:0.00 - 25$ @ Doos / è la porte
Extras:Arts, Animation & Magic Show (Special Guest: FreakOutShow with Rafael Montero)

++ Surprise Room, With More Performance
Magical Atmospheric ChillRoom: (Etchnic Music Live, Word Beat, Minimal Tech, Neo Trance, Ambiant, Chill Beat)

Dress To Express With The Thematic If You Can
(KEYS WORDS: Microscopic Univers, Mystery, Chemi, Laboratory, Molecule, DNA, DR., Scientist, Magicien, Alchemist...)

Costumez Vous Avec La Thématique Si Vous Pouvez
(MOTS CLEF: Univer Microscopique, Mystère, Chimie, Laboratoire, Molécule, ADN, Dr., Savant, Magicien, Alchimist, Scientifique...)

Zenergica Massage By Dr. Dan And His Magical Technic

Kiosque d'informations sur les substances chimiques By Grip: [ gripmontreal.org ]
[WATCH] Chemical Mystery Starring Shane Gobi And Techsafari Crew by » OtKun
Added:Thu Oct 11, 2007 @ 7:28pm by » anima
Modified:Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 7:29pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - February 8, 2008
Contributing Members: » Beruska (30), » LiFeSaVerCanDy (26)
Member Comments
» OtKun said @ Wed Feb 13, 2008 @ 11:17am
J ai uploader un petit montage video du party dans la section Video de cette magnifik nuit psychedelik Enjoy
» FunkyAD said @ Sun Feb 10, 2008 @ 3:55pm
Moi aussi j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir !! j'ai bien aimé la déco. A + yaaaaa!!
» Sam_Agricole said @ Sun Feb 10, 2008 @ 5:42am
un 25$ Vraiment bien investit. Succès.
» perception said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 9:30pm
awesome. Glad to hear you all had an excellent time :D !!
» vj_sakara said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 8:21pm
THE VIDEO IS HERE [ youtube.com ]
» anima said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 8:21pm
merci a toute l'équipe et aux freaks de la scène qui ont contribué et participé a rendre cette soirée digne d'accueillir l'un de nos meilleur dj de la psy transe
» TheUnknown said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 8:16pm
Magic, as usual! Nice deco, great music and positive vibes. The cauldron was priceless!
» Jaggery said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 7:14pm
Merci à tous pour une belle soirée! Can't wait till the next!
» Beruska said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 6:46pm
Complètement débile!!!!
» system_glitch said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 6:38pm
Félicitation a tout le monde qui se sont impliqué dans le party, c'était vraiment génial.
» Akibel said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 4:54pm
MALADE !!! merci
» JEE3.14_agricole said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 10:27am
HEHE. yummay!
» YGRIEGA said @ Sat Feb 9, 2008 @ 9:18am
On espere que vous avez eu un beau party! on etais avec vous ;) ciaooo
» Spex said @ Fri Feb 8, 2008 @ 8:41am
Ça va être tout un party, surtout si Psilo est vraiment vraiment là :-P Amusez vous bien!!!!
» Tech_Safari said @ Fri Feb 8, 2008 @ 2:48am
rock n roll , great line up !!! see you there!!!
» Shango said @ Fri Feb 8, 2008 @ 1:53am
Quel EXCELLENT line up!!!!
» NTShanti said @ Fri Feb 8, 2008 @ 1:52am
Voici pour le line up !!! 10:30 - 12:00 Jezabel 12:00 - 2:00 Anima/NTShanti 2:00 - 4:00 Rickam/Yann 4:00 - 7:00 Shane Gobi 7:00 - 9:00 Shango En passant Shane est arrivé aujourd'hui et on a vraiment hate de vous voir tous sur le dancefloor !!!!
» Pomme said @ Fri Feb 8, 2008 @ 1:02am
jeveuxjeveux mais SI je pogne la job je PEUX o wo ~!!!
» Seismik said @ Thu Feb 7, 2008 @ 4:40pm
Nice Peter, ca a l'aire d'un super bon party, comme au bon vieux temps au El Tango Hall ;) ca me fait chier d'etre a 12h de route... Bon party la gagne
» shanti said @ Thu Feb 7, 2008 @ 2:40pm
pourquoi j'ai pas d'argent :( bonne fiesta à tous!!
» PattesDePouel said @ Wed Feb 6, 2008 @ 9:25pm
J'suis laaaa! =)
» Psilo said @ Sun Feb 3, 2008 @ 10:35pm
Nice! ...chu tellement trop dut pour qu'un train-truck de gros beats psychedelik garroche dla roche dans ma caboche X .?{a l'academie toute la nuit?}.
» DJ_Rikam said @ Sat Feb 2, 2008 @ 10:18pm
Le début du mois le + fou + le plus psychédélique de l'année 2008! Ne manquer pas le retour de Shane Gobi!! Définitivement, un des meilleurs dj psy trance (Alchemy records) in the world!
» Keppy said @ Sat Feb 2, 2008 @ 2:26pm
HHHhhhhmmmm. Mes deux cousines sont supposer detre la... cest dans le tres tentant1 Ca me tente... on verra bien
» TabarnakDeCalis said @ Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 11:00am
J'veux du dark psy!
» Spiral said @ Tue Jan 29, 2008 @ 4:52pm
it sounds like very healty event full of good doctors ,i recomended to everyone!! have fun!!!
» MLion said @ Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 3:34pm
malaeureusement j organize une soiree dans un club le meme soire mais si ya possibilite que j laisse mon equipement au club j vas passer apres c sure
» DarkFairy said @ Tue Jan 22, 2008 @ 3:24pm
yata !!!!!!!!!
» DramaPolKa said @ Mon Jan 21, 2008 @ 5:10pm
SA peut toujour etre drole la vibe est bonne chez vous ?
» Nayme said @ Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 12:40am
HEY LA BANDA!!! J vas etre avec vous en pensee! J vous aimes!! J ai hate de refaire la fiesta avec vous... ya rien de comparable! J vous envoie chaleur et d amour d ici....
» Spirax said @ Mon Jan 14, 2008 @ 10:36pm
Hey super.........!! Ca va etre toute un party.........!!!! See you there.!
» LiFeSaVerCanDy said @ Mon Jan 14, 2008 @ 9:31pm
ooo ouais!! ca va etre le soir de ma fête !!!
» Saii said @ Wed Jan 9, 2008 @ 5:30pm
» MaxDirt said @ Mon Jan 7, 2008 @ 7:47pm
Ho yeah! Good line up!
» Purple_Lee said @ Mon Dec 24, 2007 @ 2:20am
Another time
» Marie-Gazelle said @ Sun Dec 23, 2007 @ 8:21pm
hummmmmm La Psy des Neiges a subie une mutation.... Upgraded!