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Events Calendar - September 29, 2007
SHARE LABO @ Nuit Blanche Toronto [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Sat Sep 29, 2007 @ 7:00pm till Sun Sep 30, 2007 @ 7:00am
LE LABO in partnership with SHARE MTL
et in collaboration with THE AMBiENT PiNG

55, Mill Street . Cannery Bldg #58 . Studio 317 . Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
29 september 2007 (7h00 pm à 7h00 am)

LE LABORATOIRE D'ART (LE LABO) welcomes SHARE MONTRÉAL (SHARE MTL) for an all-night live media arts and sound event they’re organising together during the city-wide Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2007. The event, called SHARE-LABO, starts at 7pm September 29 and runs through to 7am the next morning. The presentation follows a new open jam formula called SHARE. Participants improvise with each other's signals, movements and voice in real time video and audio to create unique multimedia performances.

All artists who experiment with live media arts are invited to participate. SHARE is an opportunity to jam with like-minded creative individuals from the digital arts scene. Participants from video, audio or performance practices bring their equipment, laptops and cables, plug into the sound system or projectors and improvise live together.

Members of LE LABO and of SHARE Montréal will participate in the all- night performances with artists from the long-running AMBiENT PiNG series and artists from the Montréal and local communities.This project is developed within the tradition of happenings, renewing their meaning in a technological environment.


Each artist will be able to perform in the jam for at least 30 minutes (and more depending on the number of participants). Bring your laptop, sensors, synthesizers or any other digital interface that can be used to share signals. Plug your gear into our audio and video mixing boards and be a part of the experiment with the other artists and creative participants. Audio & video cables to bring : XLR or1/8 or1/4 (audio), RCA or SVIDEO (video). We will also offer a backlit screen for «keying » and « motion tracking » to capture movements or dancers on site.

Email us your interest in being part of the jam and let us know which musical category you’d like to participate in [Ambient, experimental, IDM, noise, beat] and give us a short description of your art practice. Also, let us know your availabilities (if you have other shows booked that night). First come, first served!

We will contact you and schedule you a 30 minutes (minimum) slot between 7:00 pm September 29 and 7:00 am September 30. Depending on the number of artists paricipating, you could play more than once.


[ www.videographe.qc.ca ]

Inscription : info@sharemtl.com

infos & contact SHARE MTL:

infos & contact LE LABO:
[ www.lelabo.ca ]

info & contact THE AMBiENT PiNG :
[ www.theambientping.com ]
Added:Thu Sep 20, 2007 @ 3:41pm by » ShareMtl
Events Calendar - September 29, 2007
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