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Events Calendar - June 23, 2007
Pride Paint Party for Women! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Sat Jun 23, 2007 @ 9:00pm till Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 2:00am
Description:Blacklight swaths the space

Electronic music moves your body
The dance floor calls your bare feet
A dazzling array of body paints are laid out for your creative desires to flow free.
Around you, women cavort, converse, and come together.

… After the Dyke March, join us for a celebration of creativity and movement. All womyn-identified persons welcome, of all sexual orientations.

You are invited to create this space as your own playground for 5 hours.

You are free to dance as you feel, listen to your body, and to paint your wildest imaginings on a myriad of living canvases. You are invited to explore new ways of moving; new ways of interacting; new ways of expressing.

You are welcome to bring your own tool of creation - from drums to cameras - and enhance the experience for everyone.

You are challenged to learn something from each encounter of the evening; to be bold and present, and to enjoy.
Extras:15$ Cover
Tickets available at the Toronto Women's Bookstore, online and at door (space is limited so advance tickets are the best way to go!)

Fresh Fruit, free paints and supplies, and awesome music.


The Green Kitten
Tika P
Panic Girl
Julia Ray
Added:Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 3:55pm by » PridePaint
Events Calendar - June 23, 2007
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Member Comments
» AYkiN0XiA said @ Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 7:24am
wow this is just too cool, i'd hitchike from montreal for that kind of stuff... but this is bad timing, because i already have a crazy weekend planned here.