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Events Calendar - April 1, 2007
II Gathering Magic [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 6:05pm till Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 11:55pm
Location:Plateau, close to Psychonaut --> 3823 Rue Drolet
Description:A gathering of family, for collective unification strengthening..

Interested in apprehending concepts & techniques for achieveing states of enlightened awareness, deepening of our knowledge of expanded consciousness & ‘reality’, as well which roles we play(and may play) now that we're homing in on togetherness… Intended as a social gathering with focus… a collection of family developing greater unification of our tribe…
~our faith/wisdom/generocity~
~our passions/interests/dreams~
~our resources/tool pooling~

come enjoy A very comfortable friendly & laid back environment… come & learn, teach… have some fun & good treats…

Throwing seeds to the wind… lets germinate some collaboration d^_^b
Extras:Bring patience, open minds and spirit, hearts filled with joy, ideas, pleasent ideals, constructive creativity, and any information relating to magics, truths, etc.

JAM SESSION @ TAMS! @noon - Bring a Musical Instrument! We will be attending TAM TAMS weather permitting, so meeting us there is a great way to connect!

POTLUCK - contribute a bit of something healthy, VEGAN, sacred nourishment.
BOOK EXCHANGE - Bring books to exchange. preferrably magic, shamanism, oracle, tarot, philosophy, symbolism etc.

Time = NOW :p ... door is always open... aim is for 18:00 ~> ??? - fREE everything!! mmm good

MAYAN Long count =; tzolkin = 6 Muluc; haab = 2 Uayeb
DREAMSPELL kin 198 - electric mirror
we activate in order to reflect, bonding order, we seal the matrix of endlessness with the electric tone of service, we are guided by the power of the spirit

support - electric dragon - nurtures, encourages & harmonizes with electric mirrors path. (influence : midnight to sunrise)
guide - electric wind - gives direction (influence : sunrise to midday)
challenge - electric star - is shadow and polarity of electric mirror, challenges order to strengthen. (influence : midday to sunset)
hidden - spectral night - is unseen energy keying into spiritual paths of electric mirror. (influence : sunset to midnight)
Added:Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 6:20pm by » earthyspirit
Modified:Tue Apr 3, 2007 @ 12:34pm by » earthyspirit
Events Calendar - April 1, 2007
8 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» tranceinmypants said @ Sun Apr 1, 2007 @ 11:07am
my avocados arent ripe. But I will bring some 2nd rate guacamole nonetheless :]
» Recourse said @ Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 1:33pm
looking forward to sharing this evening with u all (another room has been liberated for us as well) laterzzz =)
» earthyspirit said @ Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 10:56pm
Bring foodstuff.
» NubiKing said @ Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 9:47pm
i'll try to bring something cool along, but i doubt it'll be cooler than u guys hehe ;)
» Purple_Lee said @ Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 4:47pm
maybe will depend on how i feel...but thank you for the invite:)
» Masha_Agricole said @ Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 3:13pm
Since I had a groovy time last Sunday, I'll come again and bring some austrian mates :D