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Events Calendar - June 15, 2007
Gemini Festival 2007 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:USA, California, San Francisco
Time:Fri Jun 15, 2007 @ 12:00am till Sun Jun 17, 2007 @ 12:00am
Description:Greetings to all and to all a BIG "HIGH". Hope all is well in PSY LAND out there, all is well here in California. I'm glad to announce that this year's free 3 day campout,"Gemini",will be the 10th Anniversary. And with that, Gemini is going to have the most visiting DJ's to play for us than we've ever had. I've been talking to some of the most talented psy-slingers and producers in the U.S. and have come up with a rip snortin line-up. I will give more details soon and a time-slotted line-up for you all to chew on. BOM
Room 1:
Kode Six (Live) (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) (Psytek) - - Phonix UK, Biomechanix MX
Extras:Wichdokta (S.F.)
Dr.Spook (S.F.)
Random (S.F.)
Meta (Santa Cruz)
Paradigm (Missouri)
Saturnia (Pacifica)
Helios (S.F.)
Micheal Liu (San Jose)
Takuan (Santa Cruz)
Aktif (Iowa)
Collision (Iowa)
Shagee (Arkansas)
Brain (Arahat,Mubali and Bohdisattva)
Alien Mental (S.F.)
Facehead (Philadelphia)
Blue Spectral Monkey vs. Medisin (N.C.)
Parus (S.F.)
Sentient (S.F.)
Spyros (L.A.)
Salomoon (Colorado)
Dia (L.A.)
Shapestatic (N.C. & Georgia)
Primordial Ooze (Chicago)
Moksa (Atlanta)
Konflux (L.A.)
KT (N.C.)
Jeto (L.A.)
Kode Six (Montreal,Canada)
Added:Wed Mar 21, 2007 @ 8:42am by » FRANKB
Events Calendar - June 15, 2007
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