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Events Calendar - September 22, 2006
Candela [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Sep 22, 2006 @ 6:00pm

is being held to increase the general awareness and interest in light and lighting design; it is an exhibtion of installations by professional and emerging artists exploring electric lilght as artistic medium.


Tetsuya Kato
Reuel Dechenes
Bruce Melklejohn & Leilla Czunyl
Paul Bradley
Christine Fagan
[b]Andrew and Deborah O'Malley[/b]
Dan Rivaud
[b]Brad Hindson and John Gap[/b]
Barb Brown
Mitchell Chan
Muhammed Moussa
Josee Vaillancourt
Michael Simon
Sara L'Esperance
In Tempo
Maximillian Johnson
Christopher Eby


[b]Thurs. Sept. 21[/b]
5pm - 11pm

A classy after-work gathering; catered w/ cash bar and music by Jim and Tonic. Tickets: $20.

[b]Fri. Sept. 22[/b]
6pm - 12pm

Weekend kick-off party; light food and cash bar, w/ loungey beats by [b]dj Andrew O'Malley[/b]. Tickets: $5.

[b]Sat/Sun. Sept. 23-24[/b]
10am - 5pm

Exhibition open to the public. No cover.


Cube Gallery
7 Hamilton N. (near Parkdale/Wellington, and the Parkdale Market)
613 728-1750

More info: [ ]
Added:Fri Sep 22, 2006 @ 6:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - September 22, 2006
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