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Events Calendar - September 3, 2006
Arts and Parts with Art Engine [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sun Sep 3, 2006 @ 11:00am
Info:[ artengine.ca ]

Sunday, September 3rd 2006.
Noon - 8pm
FREE community gathering

Red Handed and Art Engine present:

Art show – BBQ – computer parts garage sale – open house – DJ’s

233 Argyle Avenue (between Bank and O'Connor)
[ maps.google.com ]


Ben-More – [ www.Par-fyum.com ]
AO – Techcetera – [ www.technoetc.net ]
Zattar – [ www.timekode.com ]
Tsunami - Mtl & Co.
JBradley - Primetime Glitch - Helsinki
Terry Bevvan - Primetime Glitch - Helsinki
Brahma Breaker - High Noon, Electric Ballroom - Zaphod Beeblebrox
Fiver - Simple Tings / High Noon, Electric Ballroom - Zaphod Beeblebrox
Chris Rockwell - Red Handed / Primetime Glitch - Helsinki


KENJI TOYOOKA - [ www.kenjitoyooka.com ]

“I was born in Ottawa, Canada and spent most of my initial life playing with Lego and drawing. I first went down the path of computer programming, but in 2001 I decided that I would quit everything and design clothes instead. This was part catharsis and part serendipity in hopes to find a new direction in life. After a year of grueling work, I became fed up once again and I went to Mexico for a while. There I rediscovered drawing and came back a visual artist.

In 2003 I had my first show Papelium, which featured many of my drawings that were converted to lightboxes. I started painting that year. I had my first show of both my paintings and drawings (Papelium etcetera) in Montreal in 2004.

The years since 2004 have seen an explosion of painting and exposure for me. The show Summerset in 2005 was my most significant, and 2006 will see its sequel, All-ways.

In the last two years, I've also started playing around with photography, though that's still in its infancy.”

ARAM FAGHFOURI – [ www.aramdesigns.net ]

Aram Faghfouri was born in Tehran, Iran and migrated to Greece with her family where they stayed for years then finally relocated to Canada, where she currently resides.

A self taught artist. Aram has studied in Web and Graphic Design in College. An avid Photographer and Graphic user for years, Aram has been training and experimenting with digital photography to master the art of manipulation.

She’s work with some of the best, and presently working with Canadian based Ambient/Jazz/Electronics band ICEBERG as their Photographer and Graphic designer. Her work stretches from the United States all the way to Europe.

Aram is looking forward to continuing to grow and establish her self as an artist worldwide.

- Canadian based Psychiatrists: Sunder and Rupinder Arora and Quebec
- Canadian based Ambient/Jazz/Electronics band ICEBERG
- Canadian based DJ Just Be Sound
- Canadian based Record Company 1111Records

RIPSEY – [ www.ripsey.com ]

A graduate of Algonquin's animation and graphic design programs, Ripsey has had a busy career in creativity for well over a decade. However, he has only just begun to produce his own works for public consumption after being egged on buy like-minded friends. Much of his work is done as purely digital pieces, and he often collaborates with artists such as Hydro74, Los Fokos, and others through the online community of [ Robotface.net ] He recently took part in a benefit show for the Canadian Alzheimers Association in Edmonton.


Anchalie Miles:

Anchalie is a Canterbury Highschool Visual Arts Program Graduate....she attended College for Graphic design and busies herself with Painting in her spare time.

She has contributed to shows for many Ottawa bars, pubs and restaurants over the years such as Mercury Lounge, Icon, Bar 56/Collection, the Well, Brixtons, Babylon and Shanghai. And she has gotten more involved over the years for live-painting at Helsinki and Divergence events for the gay community.

Anchalie's poison of choice is Acrylic on canvas ;)


A true daydreamer, Alexandre Mattar has always tried to see beyond the immediate reality of his surroundings. Although he studied music during his younger years, he discovered photography in 1996. Learning essential skills and concepts through co-op placements and assistant work, he decided to pursue this medium into college where he received formal technical training in various photographic techniques. Since graduating in 2000 he has continued producing his own work using a variety of processes as well as working for various companies and individuals. Always trying to bring forth new ideas and ways to present them, Alexandre Mattar offers up a refreshing take on the photographic medium.

MATTHEW MACKENZIE - [link=http://www.flickr.com/photos/70341676@N00/][Link][/link]

Matthew MacKenzie- Mr. MacKenzie is a new age bohemian gypsy with a mix of style and insanity. The young individual has been expanding his style graciously and is now ready to enter Ottawa’s art scene. He is a fierce Lion in the Concrete jungle waiting to pounce his prey. Breaking conventional thoughts


Melody Hovey, lover of monochromatic portraits and organic abstract. Self taught paint thrower, soon to be resident of Berlin, Germany. past work has been displayed at Wurm Gallery (Ottawa), Shanghai Restaurant (Ottawa), Norml Clothing (Ottawa), Studio 4 (Toronto), Character (Ottawa), Venus Envy (Ottawa), Organised Sound (Ottawa) and the University of Ottawa. Coachella Valley Music Festival 2005 touring exhibit entitled "TRASHed” (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Indio).

Brought to you with some help from your good friends at:
Bar 56 - 56 Byward St.
Bar Buzz - [ www.barbuzz.net ]
Long & McQuade - [ www.long-mcquade.com ]
Added:Sun Sep 3, 2006 @ 11:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - September 3, 2006
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