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Events Calendar - August 23, 2006
HUMP (We Hump with Pride) [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Wed Aug 23, 2006 @ 10:00pm
Info:*****HAPPPY PRIDE 2006*****

With it being Ginette Bobo's Birthday Bash and the Wednesday of 20th year of Pride celebrations (Ottawa Pride 2006) you can just imagine that zaniness of this party. Due to it being Ginettes birthday we are trying not to let the cat out of the bag of our plans, all we can promise is that its going to be one crazy party filled with Surprise Guest performers from in and out of Town, DJ's and tons of prizes.

**What you can know are the Basics**
Grind in the Lounge with
DJ Adam White with special guest DJ's

Hump downstairs featuring:
The Ginette Bobo Drag show hosted by the fabulous
Miss Ginette Bobo with Resident DJ Martin G.

Show up early.... the line ups are nuts.

[ www.2littlehomos.com ]

3 Dollar Humping Fee, No Dress Code, Some Drama
Lounge Opens at 5pm - Disco Opens at 10pm

For every person attending $1 will be donated to: Ottawa/Gatineau Platinum Pride 2006

Helsinki Lounge & Disco
15 Geogre Street
Ottawa Ontario
[ www.helsinki.ca ]

***Hump is one of Ottawa’s Hottest and most innovative weekly Gay events. With great honor Helsinki’s door is always open to everyone from every part of our Gay Lesbian Bi-sexual and Transgender Community.***
Added:Wed Aug 23, 2006 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - August 23, 2006
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