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Events Calendar - May 31, 2003
Freak Zone [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat May 31, 2003 @ 12:00am
Promoter:Chilly Boo Prod et End Zone Prod
Description:Aren't you tired of getting called a FREAK when all you are is someone looking for the best party in town ?
Room 1:
Overdrive (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)
Dead Bitches
Erik Alain
Indica - www.myspace.com - Stay Up Forever UK- Wah Wah Reco
IZNOGOOD - www.discphunktionnalrecords.com - Discphunktionnal records
Mad - www.madstation.net - Fevah Records
Myk Berrigan
Night Vision
Info:CD promo, sorti le 04 avril au Megohm! Seulement 50 copies.
First 50 with a Cd at Megohm : 15$
Next one at 20$
<b>Points de vente:</b>
MEGOHM / 153 Ste-Catherine est Montréal
OBSESSION / 405 Curé Labelle, Laval
Added:Sat May 31, 2003 @ 12:00am by » endzoneprod
Events Calendar - May 31, 2003
Member Comments
» PinWhEeL said @ Tue Aug 30, 2005 @ 3:54pm
The crowd was the all the attendings above... never saw a smaller crowd as this one... =oP