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Events Calendar - July 16, 2006
House of PainT Fundraiser - Baile da Calle [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sun Jul 16, 2006 @ 3:00am
Info:House of PainT is just a few weeks away and we're already warming up for the big event - so come help us get things going!

This Sunday, July 16th, from 3-8pm come join us for an amazing new event - the Baile de Calle Street Dance Demo and BBQ!

This is the latest House of PainT fundraiser and we're hoping it will be the biggest - so tell all your friends, tell the whole bunch :)

Baile de Calle will showcase three super cool street arts - Capoeira (Brazilian Martial Art), BBoying (otherwise known as Break Dancing) and Flamenco (Traditional Spanish Dance) - Representing South America, North America and Spain!

The event will start at 3, with DJ Zattar Bringin the funky grooves to warm up your feet. The BBQ will be fired up and ready to go around 4 and the Demos will start at 5. Live art by Kenji Toyooka and other artists TBA will be in effect throughout the night. Bring the whole fam cuz this will be an all ages friendly event :)

So here are the basic details:

Music - DJ Zattar and Guests TBA, with Live Music Provided for the Capoeira and Flamenco demonstrations
Food - Prepared by Erin the BBQ Queen (Veg and Meatasaurus Friendly!)
Capoeira - Grupo Dende Do Recife
Flamenco - Juliana Pulford and Students from Theatre Flamenco
BBoy/BGirlin' - DeCypher Cru, Funk Delivery, Funk Theives, Speedroc and others TBA
Live Art - Kenji Toyooka and Guests TBA

A fundraiser for House of PainT (AND for the Capoeira group's yearly batizado event), so come prepared to support by eating good food and joining in some of the draws/raffles etc...

Behind our studio, at 203 Catherine St (between Bank and O'connor) - in the back parking lot - very 'street';)

Sunday July 16th, 3-8pm

Because putting these three art forms together just seemed like such a cool idea...
Because the back parking lot is such a great space and we just had to do something with it...
Because the House of PainT is an amazing event and we need to raise funds to keep it going!

The event is free but bring some funds to buy burgers and make donnations. 10$ will get you a good meal and leave some change for the donnation jar... and if you bring 100$ we'll happily accept that too ;)

Hasta la vista!
Added:Sun Jul 16, 2006 @ 3:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - July 16, 2006
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