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Events Calendar - January 25, 2003
The Blend [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jan 25, 2003 @ 12:00am
Location:24hrs in advance
Room 1:
*M.* LION* - www.myspace.com - six feet high
*M.Lion* a.k.a jahstyle selectah - six-feet-high
Snork - Noerg / Pertin_Nce
Extras:3$ at the door
Added:Sat Jan 25, 2003 @ 12:00am by » PoiSoNeD_CaNdY
Events Calendar - January 25, 2003
15 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Dark_Angel_2 said @ Sat Jan 25, 2003 @ 8:27pm
yaaaa i`m going my 1st underground!!!