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Events Calendar - July 1, 2006
DJ Dayhota @ Surface Afterhours [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Jul 1, 2006 @ 12:00pm
Info:CD Release for “Catch Me”, out now on Reinvent Music

DJ DAYHOTA [ www.djdayhota.com ] (Chicago)
[ GlobalSound.ca ] Chaotica/ Girls About Town (GAT)

"Funk Queen Dayhota" who energetically works the crowd as she spins, looking as if she'd rather be on the dance floor than stuck in the dj booth.-david prince (spin magazine) There’s nothing like watching a great DJ have fun…but in the case of miss DJ Dayhota you're watching this beautiful and strong woman have the time of her life every time she hits the decks.

This worldwide DJ and 1/4th of the famous collective SuperJane is not only about to hit a club in a city near you, but you'll be hearing her new CD “Catch Me" , her limited STOMPY CD release " Stomp This" and various production releases in a record store near you too! DJ Dayhota has been working hard in the studio with the likes of Sombionx and is do to have her first release this fall, and many more to follow. Dayhota and Lady D (fellow member of SJ) have also just completed their remix of Showtime's "L Word" theme song due out on Tommy Boy Records.

128 York Street
Ottawa, ON
Added:Sat Jul 1, 2006 @ 12:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - July 1, 2006
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