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Events Calendar - June 23, 2006
Disco Extravaganza @ Stereo [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jun 23, 2006 @ 11:00pm
Info:* NICKY SIANO (Studio54 Resident, NYC)

w/ Michel Simard (Limelight, MTL)

& Robert Ouimet (Limelight, Garage, MTL)

Montreal and New York epitomized the disco lifestyle more than any other cities in North America. The celebrated Studio 54 had the incomparable Nicky Siano at its helm, and Montreal’s infamous Limelight had Robert Ouimet, the godfather of Canada’s dance music scene. Together, they spread the disco gospel to thousands of devotees on a nightly basis. Talent, ideas, and energy flowed freely between the two cities, with luminaries like Geraldine Hunt, Kebecelectirc, Grace Jones, and Loleatta Holloway criss-crossing the border to perform and cavort in the clubs of the era.

What made these nights special was the fresh and innovative combination of music, drama, freedom and dance floor abandon. While Saturday Night Fever and the BeeGees brought disco to the masses, it was dedicated artists like Siano, Ouime and, Michel Simard who tirelessly devoted themselves to developing and sharing the passion for music that is disco with an underground cult following that mirrors in many ways the house music scene of today.

This ain’t your parent’s basement, and this ain’t no dress-up make-believe. It is one night dedicated to the music that started it all, with the best DJ’s and performers of that era. Stereo, in collaboration with Medley, Nicky Siano, Robert Ouimet, Michel Simard, the incomparable Mado Lamothe, and many others is proud to present “Friday Night Fever”, the culmination of the ultimate revival, tribute and resurrection of the torrid, tribal magic of those unforgettable nights.
Added:Fri Jun 23, 2006 @ 11:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - June 23, 2006
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