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Events Calendar - June 2, 2006
Freak Out! @ Stereo [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jun 2, 2006 @ 11:00pm
Info:* XL (Stereo Resident, MTL)

Two years ago, DJ XL and Stereo launched a monthly night called Freak OUT! which eventually evolved into its present form: Fuego. Friday June the 2nd, our baby is turning two, and we couldn’t be more proud! To celebrate this auspicious anniversary, and to thank the loyal following that makes this night so special, we thought we’d get a little nostalgic, and look to the future all at the same time.

In true FREAK OUT! fashion, we will be offering 6 free tickets to Danny Tenaglia’s June 22nd Grand Prix event at Stereo to the 6 best dressed, fiercest, turned-out queens, b-boys, freaks, fashionistas, street-walkers, leather daddies and ho-bags to strut through the door!!!

Come celebrate this milestone with us in style, dress to impress, and you will be rewarded in your weight in gold! Well… Almost… ;o)

Your musical guide for the night, the one and only DJ XL, is legendary for his trademark hardhittingbottomheavysexuallychargedtranceinducin gpercussivocalhousesoundz. As part of the Stereo family, he has consistently delivered the dance-floor served up hot! If you are a regular Fuego devotee, this is your chance to shine.
If you haven’t been initiated, its time to get wet, BABY!
Added:Fri Jun 2, 2006 @ 11:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - June 2, 2006
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