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Events Calendar - May 8, 2006
Ppl Move - May 8th [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Mon May 8, 2006 @ 10:00pm
Info:What a way to Keep May Goin!! I have wrangled up a couple of big names for this week. Guys that love spining just for the sake of it. And to kick off their new apartment, they have decided to come party it up behind the decks with the boys of Ppl Move Monday.

An opening set by Phil Doty [ ] is sure to clear up those Monday Blues. Many of you know Phil from his residency at Lotus on thursdays as him and Joe Juarez try to unite the people of Ottawa.

Headlining this evening with the 2nd slot is none other than Mikey Soirek (Thrust, [ 4thepeople.ca ] Mikey has recently released what I believe is his first mix CD and it it absolutely FANTASTIC!! Pick up a copy or message him and see if he has any left!!

And closing off the night to the party goers that just wont stop, even on a Monday night is none other than Mania (Ppl Move).

This line up is sure to set the night on fire and keep the Ppl Move camp fueled for many more weeks to come!!
Added:Mon May 8, 2006 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - May 8, 2006
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