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Events Calendar - April 21, 2006
FUNKY HOUSE! Fridays [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Apr 21, 2006 @ 10:00pm
Info:weekly residency at Trio Lounge (307d richmond rd. westboro) (take #2 bus from downtown) the place is wicked chill space with art on the walls, good micro brews on tap etc.

and lots of Funky Bumpin' House to get down to! Ive got tonnes of new goodies recently from trip to Vancouver, promos, orders etc..
will be starting up the beats around 10pm

more info:

[ www.triobistro.ca ]
[ www.djjasonpelletier.com ]

Trio Lounge
307d Richmond rd.
westboro #2 bus

DJ Jason Pelletier (spins & needles / stay house! / techcetera / trio)

starts 10pm. free no cover

[ www.triobistro.ca ]
[ www.djjasopelletier.com ]
[ www.technoetc.net ]
[ www.spinsandneedles.com ]
[ www.dowhatchagotta.com ]
[ www.stratagem-musik.com ]
Added:Fri Apr 21, 2006 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - April 21, 2006
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