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Events Calendar - March 3, 2006
Jizz! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Mar 3, 2006 @ 8:00pm
A New Queer Dance Experience
Presented by Agitate: Queer Women of Colour, Club SAW and Galerie SAW Gallery

[b]WHEN: Friday, March 3 from 8PM - 2AM (19+)
WHERE: Club SAW and Galerie SAW Gallery (67 Nicholas Street, Ottawa)[/b]
[b]INFO:[/b] (613) 236-6181
[b]TICKETS:[/b] $7 in advance* or $10 at the door

From the place that brought you the sold-out and controversial [b]Vazaleen Ottawa[/b] comes a brand new queer dance experience: JIZZ!

Featuring performers, video artists, DJs and VJs from many cultural and sexual stripes, the event is sure to delight everyone!

Likely to excite and to offend, the [b]controversial Quebec City collective Les fermières obsédées (The Obsessed Farmers' Wives)[/b] will perform in Ottawa for the first time with a new over-the-top work. [b]Radical drag artist Mikiki[/b], who recently relocated to Ottawa from St John's, is presenting an off-the-wall performance in SAW's hidden jail cells. [b]Dyke punksters The Nekusis Crew[/b] will contribute a new home-grown performance. In addition to these live actions, the event will include [b]rare videos by Spanish drag icons La Prohibida and La Terremoto de Alcorcon[/b] and over 6 hours of danceable [b]music by Pride Toronto regulars DJs Carma and CPI[/b]. They will be joined by local sensations [b]DJ Jason Pelletier, DJ Andrew O'Malley and VJ Ryan Stec[/b].

Lesbian, trans, bi, gay, and straight rebels unite for an evening of international beats, cheap drinks and transgression in Ottawa's most inclusive artist-run centre! Impromptu performances are highly encouraged.

[b]Music by:[/b]
DJ Carma (Toronto)
DJ Jason Pelletier (Ottawa)
DJ CPI (Ottawa)
DJ Andrew O'Malley (Ottawa)

[b]Live performances by:[/b]
Les fermières obsédées (Quebec City)
Mikiki (Ottawa)
Osama bin Thuggin' and Friends (Ottawa)
The Nekusis Crew (Ottawa)

[b]Videos by:[/b]
VJ Ryan Stec (Ottawa)
La Prohibita (Madrid)
Terremoto de Alcorcon (Madrid)
Deckert + Griffin (Berlin)
Ariel Lightningchild (Ottawa)

*Advance tickets available at Venus Envy (320 Lisgar Street), Organized Sound (591A Bank Street) and SAW (67 Nicholas Street).

[b]Sponsored by[/b] Capital Xtra!, Wellington Breweries and AxeNéo7. All funds raised will be donated to Club SAW (for renovations) and Agitate (for future events).

For wheelchair access, please use the entrance on the left of the main entrance of Arts Court at 2 Daly Avenue.

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Added:Fri Mar 3, 2006 @ 8:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - March 3, 2006
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (9)
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