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Events Calendar - February 24, 2006
Shock Friday Afterhours [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Feb 24, 2006 @ 10:00am
Info:Here we go again, week three and all the kinks have been smoothed out. With the grand opening two weeks away things seem to be warming up nicely. We have made some changes for this week comeing up. Keep it in mind that all Highball drinks are 2.50$ till 11pm

This week we will be opening the club at 10pm with some DMC skills from one of Ottawas new up and comers in Ottawa's Hip-Hop community. These djs are booked and promoted by Shocker Pro so there will be no confusion for set times. This is part of the shock friday afterhours and no other hip hop promoters are involved. We will not have to clear one event before opening afterhours. NOBODY WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR long PERIODS in the cold as the first event lets out.

hip-hop from 10pm-1am

Dj Dylanger (Tear It Up Ent, MTL&Co ) Hip-Hop

house from 1am-?

Dj Al Adocious (shock afterhours)
With a local guest to be named later
Added:Fri Feb 24, 2006 @ 10:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - February 24, 2006
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