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Events Calendar - November 15, 2005
Pure, the film [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Tue Nov 15, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Info:Written by: Anton A.


Have you heard the buzz about“Pure”? [ purethemovie.com ]

This new film by Montrealer Jim Donovon opens Friday, November 11th. It zooms in on the golden years of the after-hours club scene.

Local heroes keep it real, with two artists from Globalsound featured prominently: Nivoc [ www.nivoc.com ] making a guest appearance, and Éloi Brunelle [ www.globalsound.ca ] providing a song for the movie’s soundtrack.

John Griffin of THE GAZETTE says: “...strong cast of 24 hour party people...great tunes too.” (Max Graham, Misstress Barbara, Ian Pooley, LSG, +...).

Check it out with friends before heading to the clubs!

It plays at cinemas:
- Quartier Latin
- AMC Forum
- Mega Plex Marché Central 18
- Tashereau.

[ www.purethemovie.com ]
Added:Tue Nov 15, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - November 15, 2005
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