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Events Calendar - December 2, 2005
World Beats and Eats.... for the Dancers!!!! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Dec 2, 2005 @ 7:00pm
Info:[b]World Beats and Eats[/b]
December 2nd - 2005
Mercury Lounge
56 Byward st. (Sidedoor/upstairs)
[b]$8 at the Door [/b]

-Benefit for - [b]LE GROUP Danse Lab[/b]
-Eats by - [b]Curries[/b] and [b]Hot Peppers[/b]
-Beats - Giveaways from [b]Six Degrees Records[/b]- In house Beats by [b]Emily Jones[/b] followed by [b]Lance Baptiste[/b]
-Vernissage for - [b]Rush[/b]---works by [b]CLUTCH[/b] artists

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[b][i]The Beneficiary:[/i][/b]

"Le Groupe Dance Lab remains at the pinnacle of new dance research and development. Inclusive of all professional dance forms, the Lab embraces seasoned and emerging artists who are willing to dive into the very core of the creative process."

[b][i]The Eats:[/i][/b]

-Curries - Indian Restaurant and Sweet House
(114 A Gloucester Street - Corner of Gloucester & O'Connor - 613-598-6970) - with the second in a generous two month donation of their best in Indian delights

-Hot Peppers - Expressive Thia Cuisine and Wine Bar
(495 Somerset Street West - 613-233-4687) - we will be graced with expressive Thia cuisine from one of the newest additions to this city's collection of amazing food.

[b][i]The Beats:[/b][/i]

Always free CD's to giveaway from Six Degrees Records
Always swanky in house beats.

beats w/ Emily Jones [ ] E18hteen, Social)

beats w/ Lance Baptiste


This month the [i]Mercury Lounge[/i] will be host to [b]Rush[/b]. [b]Rush[/b] is a group show by [b] CLUTCH[/b], a group of Ottawa artists and graphic designers. Every show that they do has a theme and this one is no exception. Five artists. One theme. ***5 Zeke T-shirts Door Prizes***

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December 2nd - 7-10pm
Mercury Lounge
56 Byward st. (Sidedoor/upstairs)
$8 at the Door [b](includes FOOD and MUSIC GIVEAWAYS) [/b]

This is a MONTHLY event so get your name on the mailing list at the event or Email [b]worldbeatsandeats@sympatico.ca[/b] to get the details early for each event!

Brad Campeau
Added:Fri Dec 2, 2005 @ 7:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - December 2, 2005
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