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Events Calendar - November 6, 2005
Tiga @ Stereo [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sun Nov 6, 2005 @ 12:00am
Room 1:
Robert De La... Gauthier - www.robertdelagauthier.com - GLINKA KLANG, Glitterball,High H
Info:* TIGA [ www.turborecordings.com ] AM Only)

w/ Robert De La Gauthier [ www.robertdelagauthier.com ]

The origins of Montreal born DJ-producer-incipient Teutonic legend Tiga lie to the vague and troubling East, where he was weaned on the nefarious milk of the notorious 1980s Indian club scene. “To the unforgiving eye,” he says of the sybaritic night-kingdom, “a world of filth and decadence is revealed. For example, I’m fairly certain that more than a few club owners had an unsavory arrangement with the man who brought the folding chairs. I was at once appalled and enraptured. After that, I had no choice in the matter.”

By 1990, Tiga had returned to Montreal, prodigiously night wise and unsatisfied with the existing local club scene (calling it “the plumage of a bird I cannot bring myself to want.”) With the help of a core group of friends, he began to throw a series of small parties infused with the sense of dead-eyed ennui gleaned from a past littered with acid whores and crazed Indian gamblers. Other innovations which Tiga introduced to Montreal party culture include guest DJs, intense street promotions featuring rival gangs of street acrobats, color flyers, multi-dj sets, and leading the supplicant crowd through the innermost corridors of one’s soul.

It was this heady time of dizzying innovation and ravenous sexual ambition which culminated in the birth of 1993’s “Solstice,” generally considered to be Montreal’s first genuine rave. (A year earlier, a hyper-prescient Tiga staged “Eclectricity,” the first online rave, a project whose utter failure remains a source of bafflement: “It broke my heart, given my views on diversity… I am, I feel, a very interactive person.”) Tiga has since helped to orchestrate no less than ten major events, including “The Orb Live,” “Pure,” and the very first North American appearance of continental illusionist Jean-There.
Added:Sun Nov 6, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - November 6, 2005
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