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Events Calendar - December 9, 2005
The Revenge of Psycedelic Santa [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Dec 9, 2005 @ 9:00pm
Info:OK LISTEN UP PPL,THIS PARTY WILL BE A SPECIAL ONE,WHY?,Becuz it turns out that on the same night we will celebrate a couple of Bdays!!! KARINE,TIMMY,PHILDO,GREG(HORIZON) LIZA AND MIRAI... U GUYS R IN FOR A LONG NIGHT!

thats right freaks!!

Santa is back with a bag full of surprises, Special guest from the UK for this one, DJ Horizon (Pukka musik / Event horizon) UK/Germany!!!!!

djs : 9 - 10:30 Pete Tha Best!
10:30 - 12 Psycronik
12 - 2 Horizon (Pukka/event horizon) UK/Germ
2 - end data Decay

this is a 16+ event
5$ before 11
7$ after
9pm - 3am

cds giveaways,UV deco all over the place and Big Big sound.

Tune In evry friday on CHUO 89,1(2am - 5am) for a lill taste of what full on psytrance is! [ ]

come and support yer local psy freaks! :))

PS: Demolition Ticks available at this party for only 8$!!!!!!! very limited (ONLY 50) ask the door person! :))

Added:Fri Dec 9, 2005 @ 9:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - December 9, 2005
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (2)
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