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Events Calendar - March 1, 2003
Secret Society [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:00am
Filthy Crew
Description:Secret Society have the target to promote and encourage the local scene, by the support and the presence of the
peoples who belong a the "Underground-Rave Community".

Room 1:
Tyrant (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
AnimA - www.djschoolmontreal.ca - Oui-R1, FilthyCrew
Axel Klein - www.myspace.com - Circus Afterhours
Cham - www.trance-nrg.net - Trance Nrg
Corey K - thesession.ca - The Session
G O'Brien
Galaks' - Freak Addiction Krew, Six Feet H
IZNOGOOD - www.discphunktionnalrecords.com - Discphunktionnal records
Juniah - Hard trance - Trance-NRG & Solstice Prod.
Mille Pattes - Sensitive
Mini - www.djmini.com
Psyko Le Punk
Thor - www.djthor.com - Metrolium.net - Breakbeat.ca
Winn'e' Da Pimp

Deco Artists: Hifx Set Up
Info:We want to thx everyone who was present at our last party Alibi, 07-12-02 and all the peoples who support and encourage us...
You can buy tickets at:
-MusicHall,4511 St-Denis,514-842-7146
-Meghom,153 Ste-Catherine E.,514-844-7146
Added:Sat Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:00am by » anima
Modified:Fri Dec 17, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - March 1, 2003
132 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Adam
» Agata
» Amp_Up
» anima
» Animo
» axel
» ayahama
» Blak
» bomber
» BoUnTee
» Bounty
» Chamm
» Cyric
» DeAmOn
» deelawn
» e_Ks
» eLDee
» eltopo
» Folle
» fucktop
» fukt
» Furi0us
» g0tBeat
» goalien
» homing
» Jibizz
» joWel
» Juniah
» Kate808
» kitkat
» krazy_k
» Kurse
» Lady
» Lusty
» Masa
» MeLtY
» mf_
» Michou
» MiSS_C
» Mr.Batz
» MuShEe
» Nebula
» no.name
» nter
» Nuclear
» Nutron
» Omni
» PaT_
» Plan-C
» PlurZ
» pSyToR
» Rebelle
» SeB_
» shpud
» Slam
» spike
» SyNn
» tcha
» TiEsT0
» toebee
» YaKoU
» ZaRtAkA
Contributing Members: » anima (57), » Screwhead (43), » Omni (23), » DeathMstr (14), » Nuclear (10), » Rebelle (3)
Member Comments
» goalien said @ Thu Apr 14, 2005 @ 9:10am
this was a cool party with everyone
» DeathMstr said @ Wed Mar 5, 2003 @ 4:54pm
I've added pictures of the croud. More to come.
» Nuclear said @ Wed Mar 5, 2003 @ 4:40pm
Great party... Maybe not an underground party but still everyone was enjoying becides the heat!
» Chromosones said @ Mon Mar 3, 2003 @ 12:29am
Musique excellante! mais la prochaine fois prévoyez de la ventilation a cet endroit.
» ka1_letsKick said @ Thu Feb 27, 2003 @ 6:19pm
2 jours seulement!!!!!!! Ca fait 1 mois que je l'attend.... . its gonna be craaaaaazy!!!!!!!!!!! see you there !
» Sir_Doreille said @ Thu Feb 20, 2003 @ 9:24pm
Meet you there Pals !!! Don't forget to talk to me.. by the way .. Gayst5ve .. don't ever fuck my boyfriend OKAY .. i dislike when you do... :P
» Animo said @ Thu Feb 20, 2003 @ 7:43pm
dont worry frog i will be there and fredo i cant wait to see u dont worry amanda u too u girls are just to cute
» Mali said @ Mon Feb 17, 2003 @ 6:01pm
Frog.. you better not miss this one yo. Stay out of trouble ;)
» JunglistMurdah said @ Sat Feb 15, 2003 @ 8:20pm
"pins" we're going for sure!!! im so excited cant wait
» PookStah said @ Sun Feb 2, 2003 @ 3:28pm
alibi was amazing!!! so i fo' sho' cant miss this one!! thx peter! ^_^
» Lady said @ Sun Jan 12, 2003 @ 5:45pm
wanna go wanna go now!!! sounds fucking amazing! if corey k is there then it will be.. but even if he wasnt sounds like one good party
» anima said @ Tue Jan 7, 2003 @ 7:04am
The emplacement will be directely in Montreal at proximity of Metro Station (5min.walk) Very nice place,legal at 110%, new place too for rave and this is not an after-hours dont worry;) Lemplacement sera directement à Montréal à proximité d'une station de Métro (5 min.à pied) Très belle place, légal à 110%, nouvelle place pour un rave, et ne vous inquetez pas ce nest pas dans un after-hours Thx Peter,Hifx Prod.