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Events Calendar - October 2, 2005
Sundaze: JOE JUAREZ!! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sun Oct 2, 2005 @ 6:00am
Info:That's right ladies and gents! One of your favourite Dj's and mine will be throwing down all kinds of dancefloor dynamite for you at Sundaze this week!

We're proud to present one of the founding fathers of Ottawa's club scene as we know it... a man who has done more for this city than likely any of us could count, and of course a fantastic Dj as well...

JOE JUAREZ (Velvet, Surface)

With recent news that Joe will be focusing his career outside of Ottawa more and more, it makes this Sunday all the more special. Come out to show your love and support for gentleman who has shown that same support and love to our scene.

The vibes at Sundaze have been out of control lately, and I know that Joe is just the man to keep the momentum going. I personally cannot wait to have Mr. Juarez at the controls this Sunday. ARIBA!

w/ a one-hour warm-up set by: Rick Laplante

Other Sundaze residents joining the fray:

General Mayehm
Easton Ellis

Every Sunday | 6am - 3pm+ | 19+ w/ ID | $8 b4 7am/$10 after | MAVERICKS - 221 Rideau Street | ROAR
Added:Sun Oct 2, 2005 @ 6:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - October 2, 2005
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