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Events Calendar - June 16, 2005
"How to get a gig" Workshop [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Thu Jun 16, 2005 @ 7:00pm
Info:News Release

June 7th, 2005 For immediate release

Calling all musicians!

Ottawa, Ontario – Arts Ottawa East presents a workshop for musicians called “How to get gig”. This activity will be lead by Scott Williams, from the popular punk rock band Flow 14, who will walk you through the process of performing live by defining the steps that will get you up on the stage and living your dream.

The “How to get a gig” workshop takes place on June 16th, 2005, beginning at 7 p.m., at the Cyrville Community Centre, 4355 Halmont Drive, in Ottawa. Admission is free for Arts Ottawa East members and only $10 for the general public.

The workshop will cover such topics as: Marketing and Presentation of the Band, The Business of Being in a Band and How It Relates to Clubs, The Legalities of Playing Live (rider contracts, etc.), Why Are You Playing (Is it an event or just an opportunity to play?), Marketing The Gig, When Not to Book Shows and Ensuring That You Are Asked to Play Again.

Scott Williams is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for Ottawa punk rock band Flow 14. The band, together for four years, has played venues in major metropolitan centres across Ontario and Quebec, and is currently signed to X-Cessive Noise Management & Promotion. The band has garnered radio play across North America with their first full-length Album Here and Ever After. Check out a review of their new EP, Disaffected Youth of America. Visit [ ]

Arts Ottawa East is a not-for-profit, community-based organization dedicated to promoting, supporting and developing the practice and appreciation of the arts in Ottawa. For more information on AOE’s programs, resources and services, please visit [ ]

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Source: Gabriel Abbott-LeBlanc, Community Development Coordinator, Arts Ottawa East, Tel: (613) 749-4978, Fax: (613) 749-9973,
Added:Thu Jun 16, 2005 @ 7:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - June 16, 2005
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