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Events Calendar - June 26, 2005
Configure VJ Lab [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sun Jun 26, 2005 @ 8:00pm
Info:Video is the bastard child of Cinema.

Video is now an adolescent medium. It has grown up and left the home of Cinema. Fuck Cinema. They never gave a shit about Video anyways.

Configure is a new home for the adolescent medium. Configure is an embrace of the bastard child that is Video.

Club SAW presents this monthly event, which brings together Ottawa's best live video talent. VJ's are invited to bring gear or samples to Club SAW for this open mixer lab casual Sunday evening event. 3 mixers, as well as MIDI keyboards, DVD players and both PC and Mac computers will be setup for experimentation.

Configure is a free event open to all in the hopes of creating live collaborative visuals. Come and ease yourself into the coming week with our easy dreamy living wallpaper. Music ranges from break beat to no beat, but really it’s mostly about the visuals.

For more information on Configure contact clubsaw@artengine.ca or SAW Video at 613.238.7648.

Configure would like to thank SAW Video, and its respective funders, for its generous support of this event.

Club SAW is at 67 Nicholas.
Added:Sun Jun 26, 2005 @ 8:00pm by » Belldandy
Modified:Wed May 30, 2007 @ 2:43pm by » ravedave
Events Calendar - June 26, 2005
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