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Events Calendar - June 1, 2005
HUMP Wednesdays [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Wed Jun 1, 2005 @ 10:00pm
2 Little Homos
Info:Hump is one of Ottawa’s Hottest and most innovative weekly Gay events.
With great honor Helsinki’s door is always open to everyone from every part of our Gay Lesbian Bi-sexual and Transgender Community.

Humps main focus is so everyone can come together Socialize fraternize and push equality to a whole new level. With suck-able Drinks and sexy go-go boys/girls it all adds that extra sparkle towards making Wednesdays in Ottawa Hot, Kinky and absolutely Debaucherous.

Featuring Weekly:

DJ Ruby Jane on decks in the pussycat lounge

The Ginette Bobo Drag show hosted by the fabulous
Miss Ginette Bobo downstairs in the disco Lounge

Don’t forget about our beautiful courtyard patio

2 Dollar Humping Fee, No Dress Code, Some Drama
Lounge Opens at 6pm - Disco Opens at 10pm

15 Geogre Street
Ottawa Ontario
[ ]
Added:Wed Jun 1, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - June 1, 2005
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