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Events Calendar - June 4, 2005
Eddy Jasmin @ Helsinki [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Jun 4, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Rhythm Works
Info:EDDY JASMIN (Montreal)
[ globalsound.ca ] [ www.globalsound.ca ]
[ lipstickmusic.com ] [ www.lipstickmusic.com ]

Dubbed Montreal’s “Prince of House”, Eddy Jasmin has been crafting his art since falling in love with the first DJ booth he ever laid his eyes on in the late 1980s. Like many DJs of his generation, Eddy was beginning to make a name for himself by mastering the mixer when, like a bolt of lightning, house music revolutionized the world’s clubbing sound.


For more information on Eddy Jasmin and to download his latest CD [ www.globalsound.ca ]

To listen to his latest track "I Wish We Were Dancing" [ www.lipstickmusic.com ]


[ www.rhythmworks.ca ]

15 George Street
(613) 241-2868
Added:Sat Jun 4, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - June 4, 2005
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