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Events Calendar - May 27, 2005
The BEAT! Friday @ Rouge w/J. Bradley, Mike Smith & Terry Bevvan [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri May 27, 2005 @ 10:30pm
Rouge, Club
Info:This Friday, May 27 we have:

J.BRADLEY - Jerrett needs no intro (well, actually I don't feel like writing his bio...so...ya) ...

MIKE SMITH - Its been a long time since Mike played out...if were an atomic regular, you likely would have heard him. If you never have, you should come this friday.

Mike will be giving away 30 CDs of his May 2005 promo CD. First come, first serve.

TERRY BEVVAN - Long time scene supporter turned CDJ affictionado is Terry aka C-Boy. Apparently he represented very well at the UDJ comp at Surface a few weeks ago. We're happy to have Terry open things up for us.

$3 b4 12, $5 after

$2.75 domestic beer and some mixed drinks b4 12

Hope to see you Friday!

See you on the dancefloor™

"See you on the dancefloor" is a registered trademark of Michael Siorek. All rights reserved.


Carrying on in the tradition of Thrust Fridays is Ottawa's newest club night dedicated to house music:

The BEAT at Rouge nightclub (formerly the Umbrella Room).

Beatmarket promotions will endeavor to become the place for house music on Fridays showcasing the best Ottawa talent and providing an opportunity for new & upcoming DJs.

Rouge (formerly Umbrella Room) has been renovated into an amazing space with an intimate club vibe in addition to a greatly upgraded sound system.

Added:Fri May 27, 2005 @ 10:30pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - May 27, 2005
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (7)
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