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Events Calendar - April 22, 2005
IRON DJ Battle [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Apr 22, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Info:We have chosen DJs from Tribal/House/Breaks, Trance, Techno and DNB to represent and defend their title of IRON DJ.

How it Works:
The first two hours consists of two challengers who will face each other in alternating half hour segments until each has completed one hour. During this time a panel of three judges will score the DJs' performance based on specific criteria we have given to them.

The crowd also has the opportunity to vote via drink/ticket ballots. On the ballots the round number as well as the DJs' names will be printed, mark an X beside which DJ you think has proved him or herself worthy of moving on the challenge the IRON DJ in Round 2. The ballots will be tallied and the scores added to the scores the Judges have produced before a winner is announced.

The winner of Round 1 then moves on to challenge an IRON DJ in the genre that best suits the competition.
Round 2 follows the same format as Round 1.

Opening Night Details
[i]IRON DJS[/i]
We have chosen to keep this part of the show to ourselves until the official unvieling opening night. All four IRON DJs will be present but only one will be chosen to play in Round 2.

[i]Round One:[/i]
General Mayhem
JCG Productions/ [ djgeneralmayhem.com ]



[i]Judges for the Evening:[/i]

DJ Jason Pelletier
[ stratagem-musik.com ] [ dowhatchagotta.com ] Stay House! Helsinki, Trio Lounge

DJ Rick "The Plant" Laplante
Synergy, JitterJaw, Sundaze

DJ Natral::Mystk
Tao of Boar Studios

If you would like to volunteer to judge a future IRON DJ Match feel free to send me a message.

Acqua Nightclub and Lounge
160 Rideau St. Ottawa
Cover $5.00 19+ with I.D.
10:00pm until 2:00am
Added:Fri Apr 22, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - April 22, 2005
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (4)
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