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Events Calendar - February 5, 2005
Lee Coombs @ Living [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Feb 5, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Info:MontrÈal, le mercredi 26 janvier 2005 – QUIKSILVER & ROXY prÈsentent en collaboration avec ETNIES & DRAGON, et le concours de FROGASMIC, AGENCE KATIA et BROKEN CREW, un des plus talentueux dj breakbeat que l’Angleterre ait su exporter, et fier reprÈsentant de FINGER LICKIN RECORDS, DJ LEE COOMBS de Londres, le SAMEDI 05 F…VRIER pour une soirÈe unique. Ce pionnier de la rÈgion de Cambridge et Londres est un des principaux acteurs du dÈbut de la vague acid de la fin des annÈes quatre-vingt. Ses comparses anglais, Pete Tong et Seb Fontaine prÈtendent haut et fort; - ´†he’s the new man to watch†ª. De plus, il possËde une rÈputation ‡ toute Èpreuve en ce qui a trait ‡ sa maniËre de faire lever l’audience. Lui seul sait comment manier les platines avec des ÈlÈments house et breakbeat du renouveau acid actuel. Il sera accompagnÈ de DJ KEPH de Whistler et des gars du BROKEN CREW de MontÈal. Cet ÈvÈnement attendu est prÈsentÈ dans le cadre d’une nouvelle sÈrie d’ÈvÈnements appellÈs CTW.

CUT THE WEEK est une nouvelle soirÈe qui rassemblera de faÁon festive les gens
liÈs de prËs ou de loin ‡ l’industrie du skateboard, snowboard, de la mode et aussi de
la musique. Cette soirÈe a pour but d’offir un Èventail musical riche en Èmotions, des visuels ‡ couper le souffle, les trends de l’heure et sera prÈsentÈ sporadiquement pour
en prÈserver toute sa saveur. L’accent sera mis sur l’atmosphËre et non sur un style en particulier. Attendez-vous ‡ entendre du rock, des breaks, du old school hip hop, de l’Èlectro, de la house sans oublier le funk. Une diversafication musicale surprenante!

Cette soirÈe est prÈsentÈe en collaboration avec d’autres joueurs importants des industries ci-haut mentionnÈs. C’est la cas de, [ 33-MTL.COM ] [ MTLDNB.COM ] et de BLIND MATADOR.

“If this show had an in-house orchestra, it would be LEE COOMBS” - Pete Tong, Radio One

From the start of his DJ career in 1989 Lee Coombs bathed himself in acid house parties in and around London and Cambridge. In an industry that is slip and slide at the best of times, Coombs rapidly made a name for himself. He went on to run his own labels including the critically acclaimed and much talked about electro-driven Zoid and Thrust Recordings.
It was whilst working at Intergroove in the late nineties that he met with Finger Lickin’ label boss Justin Rushmore. The rest is history. Coombs’ contribution to Finger Lickin meant that his acid-angled productions gave him a float all of his own. Seb Fontaine and Pete Tong noted Coombs as the ‘man to watch’ after his ‘Future Sound Of Retro’ album was released on Finger Lickin’ in June 2001. Remixes including Quivver and Sister Bliss set the stepping stones to the success that would follow. Soon his talents were being called upon to put his twist on everyone from New Order to Lamb to Moby.
Lee then got a call from Paul Oakenfold resulting in the almighty Perfecto Breaks album which was launched to critical acclaim in October 2002. Lee went on to remix Oakenfold’s single ‘Time of Your Life’. His notoriety prompted a request for Lee to fly to Prague in the summer of 2003 to record with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra the theme music for the BBC television program “Born To Win”.
2004 saw Lee Coombs back in the studio writing like a demon in preparation for the release of his much-anticipated artist album “Breakfast Of Champions”. He has collaborated with some of the finest producers around including Dylan Rhymes, Christian J, Andy Gardner (Plump DJs) and Jem Panufnik (Soul Of Man). The album is a sure-fire winner full of breakbeat bombs and tech-house monsters. The first single from the album “Alright All-Night”/“Dubhead” went straight to No.1 in the DJ Mag Beats & Breaks Chart, got multiple plays on national radio and received rave reviews in all major publications. The second single features Lee’s largest remixes to date - Oakenfold’s “Time Of Your Life” with a re-working of New Order’s “Crystal” on the flip. The third single “Shiver” feat. Katherine Ellis will include a remix by label mates the Plump Djs, already tipped by Radio One to be the crossover hit we’ve all been waiting for. To support the release of the album Lee is embarking on a US tour and an Australasian Tour at the end of the year which will culminate at Sydney’s Field Day - a 25,000 person event on New Year’s Day. People are sitting up and taking notice of his extraordinary talent. You will too.

$10 cover
18+ with ID
Added:Sat Feb 5, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - February 5, 2005
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